Chapter 30

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That was possibly the best experience of my life.

I finally got my memory back, and I realised Brandon was the one for me.

But now I have to go find Markus and apologise for probably being a bitch.

"I have to go see Markus." I smiled assuringly to Brandon as we laid on his bed. Our hands were entwined and my head was on his stomach.

"Why?" He growled.

"I need to explain to him about what's happened."

"He doesn't deserve an explanation." He said, I could feel his chest going up and down.

I turned onto my front and leaned on my hands.

"Please?" I said fluttering my eyelashes at him.

He growled more but nodded.

"Thanks." I said as I jumped up.

"On one condition, I get to stay in the room with you. I don't want him to get his grubby hands on you."

I thought about it a little and agreed. That's the only way I'm going to get to go.

I knocked on Markus's door feeling a little more than nervous.

"Now remember, you can't start a fight." I warned Brandon.

"I'll try but I'm not going to promise anything..." I glared at him. "only if he doesn't start anything then I'll be quiet."

I rolled my eyes and the door opened.

"Emma?" Markus asked as if he wouldn't believe I was there.

"Yeah.. I've come to... apologise for some things I have done and explain why I might've done it." I said.

"You can come in... but not with Brandon. He isn't welcome in here." He growled.

"Seriously?" I asked a little pissed. "he'll be so silent you won't even know he's there."

"But I will know. It's kind of hard to forget that a dog is in my house."

Brandon stepped forward threateningly and I stopped him with my hand.

"Come on Markus." I begged. I'm definitely not going any further into begging if he says no. This is the best he's going to get. Besides, I'm not the only person who's in the wrong right now.

He thought about it and reluctantly agreed.

"Thanks" I said as I entered his house. It was exactly how I remember it. How good it is to remember everything again. (mentally sigh)

I grabbed Brandon's hand to prevent him from punching anything.

"What are you here for?" Markus said straight away.

"Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically. "I want to tell you what happened."

"Like how you decided Brandon was all of a sudden the 'one'" he said mocking a girls voice.

"Stop testing my patience. I've come here to want to mend things with you. The past few months agave been difficult to say the least.

"Remember how I wanted to get away from you? It's because... I kinda lost my memory."

"This isn't funny. If Brandon's forcing you to say this for the sake that I don't kill him, stop lying." Markus said raising his voice.

"I'm NOT lying. I really did lose my memory."

"How did you lose it?"

"I-- attempted to commit, uh, suicide." I said is silently. It is definitely not something I'm proud of. The vampires need a strong and powerful leader. Which I have been the opposite of since day one.

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