Chapter 25

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Black was all there was.

Why was I here? I didn't know. Maybe I was just sleeping. Yeah, that must be it.

There was pain all over my body but why?

I opened my eyes without a problem to find myself in an unfamiliar place. What was going on?

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse and I sounded like I was close to death.

"Emma! You're alive!"

Who the hell is he?

He had nice blue eyes and some bright blond hair. He seemed quite full of himself, not someone I'm attracted to. I wonder what his name is.

"Um yeah? Who are you?"

"You...? Please tell me you're joking."

"Stop confusing me! What's going on?"

"It's me, Brandon?" His eyes were full of hope but I didn't know who he was. Was I supposed to?

"Uh... ok?"

"No stop this now. This isn't funny anymore." He looked so sad and looked like he was about to cry, not very masculine of him. "Stay here."

"It's not like I have a choice." Sheesh. He was pushy.

I looked around the room for a while and decided that it smelled a little funny. But I couldn't stop the nagging feeling at the back of my head saying I've been here before. I'm sure I haven't.

I waited for that guy called Brandon or something. I wanted to leave but I probably would've gotten lost.

He took way too long so I got up finding myself with a cast around my leg, how strange?

I found some crutches near by and attempted to use them. Which was near impossible.

"Ug." I said as I collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"Fuck this." I swore as I jumped around on one leg. I feel like these words were foreign to me. Like these words were something I wasn't used to say, but I say them to my parents plently of time. I probably just slept for too long.

I jumped out the door and looked around seeing people rush everywhere. It smelled terrible, I felt like throwing up.

I suddenly realised that the smell was no other than werewolves. Those dirty mutts. What was I doing amongst them?

People turned to see me jumping around and all I did was hiss at them. They let me leave without a problem but then someone grabbed my arm, my first reaction was to elbow them in the face then when they staggered back I would pin their arm behind their back and have my knees of their back. And that's exactly what I did.

My broken leg did make it a little more inconvenient though.

"What are you doing out of bed?" the mutt boy asked.

I got off of him and stood next to him with my arms crossed.

"You can't order me around, I have a much higher position in the society than you do." I said trying to intimidate him.

"Can't you remember anything about me?"

"No? Should I? All I know is that you are being rude and disrespectful."

I started hopping away again but when I lost my balance he caught me.

"Get off. I don't even know you!" I said pushing him away.

He did say anything but just had a look that could make anyone want to cry but he was a creep! I mean seriously! Imagine some random guy next to you when you somehow ended up in a wolf hospital! Think about how you must've felt.

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