Chapter 22 [Her feelings]

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"You know it's love
when all you want
is that person to be happy,
even if you're not part of
their happiness."

And in the end,
the love you take,
is equal to the
love you make.

–3rd Person View {Mystery & Shadow}–

Shadow were carefully giving Mystery bandage on her wounds back at their hideout. Annie was walking back and forth thinking about her brother and what he said before he left to go on vacation with Eric and Maya.
'Promise me one thing Annie... Promise me that you'll stay strong this week until I come back.' He had said.
'I promise Jack, I promise!' She had shouted back when he had jumped in the taxi.
"So, Annie... You're Jack's sister? How old are you?" Shadow asked her.
"I'm 9 years old..." She answered.
"Ah, so young but already so pretty. Have you gotten it from your mother or...?"
"Most of my moms friends says that I look alike her."
"Ah, okay. Do you like your brother?"
"If I like him? I love him! He's my brother and I would do anything to get him back!"
"Even if you're this young? Knowing the consequences it would have?"
"Huh... That's a strong bond you got with him then..."
"Gah! Shadow! Be careful!" Mystery yelled at her sister when she accidentally wrapped the bandage to tight.
"Oh my, I'm sorry! I got distracted!"
-sigh- "It's okay... Now I know that I'm awake at least..." Mystery said and gave out a small and nervous chuckle.
"Mystery... Is something wrong? You aren't yourself..."
"Is it that obvious?" She said and sighed.
"Mhm... Mystery... What is it?" Shadow said and sat next to her sister. "It's about Jack... Isn't it?"
"I don't want to loose another owner to him... Not again..."
"You won't loose him, I can promise you that. And Milo wouldn't want to see you like this."
"I just wish you were right but, you aren't... I can feel it... The longer Inferno is controlling Jack, the more of his humanity disappears... He's dying inside! And we can't help him because we don't know where he is at!" Mystery cried out and hugged her sister. "I just don't want to loose him!"
"And you're right! I do like him! I don't know when it started but I've started gaining feelings for him, Sarah! I don't want to loose him! I don't... Want to loose him... I, don't-..."
"Shh... Don't worry... You won't... I promise you... Mila... You won't loose him..."
-sniff- "Heh... Been some time since you called me that..."
"You just called me Sarah, there for I call you by your name as well. Now let's go and start searching shall we?" Shadow said, looked at Mystery and smiled.
"Yes..." Mystery said back and smiled. They then let go of each other when they got interrupted by a loud bang. They ran outside and saw a giant beam if light come from the Palace.
"Oh no..."
"Eric and Newtron is there! We have to help them!"
"Mystery, you transform into a smaller dragon and take Annie to a safe place, while I go ahead and see what's happening over there. When you've found a place for her, come over immediately!"
"Got it, come on Annie, let's go." Mystery called for Annie, she transformed into a smaller dragon and Annie jumped on. And then they were off. Shadow then disappeared into the shadows and ended up at the Palace seeing the most horrific thing she's ever seen. Some seconds later, Mystery was standing next to Shadow, both with their jaws on the ground.


I gotta stop making these chapters so short! I mean, yes this chapter is half the regular size of the chapters yet it makes me annoyed that I'm not making them longer! >:P Oh well :P 4-5 chapters left guys! So close to the end! Yet so close to a new begging! Yes, you heard me correctly... Remember that I was going to start another book called "Forgotten Memories"? It's a sequel, which means this story isn't over yet. Lots of new characters will come an-
"Jeli, don't spoil the next book too much!"
Speaking if new characters... That's one right there! -sigh- True, true... Okay no more spoilers xP See ya guys in the next chapter!


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