Chapter 16 [Transformation]

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Mystery's P.O.V.

"Monster... Are you telling us that..."
"Yes." Monster said and took a break "Luna is my owner. She has the power over me."
I had no idea what to say. I was just standing on my spot, staring at the amulet.
"L-Luna? Why? Why didn't you tell me about this? I thought I could trust you... That you've already told me everything!" Tua said frustrated and I saw how her eyes were starting to tear up.
"Tua... I-"
"No! I don't want any excuses!" She said and ran out from the room.
"Tua wait!" Shadow said and ran after her.
"Tua..." Luna said in defeat.
"Let her be for now. I can understand how she's feeling. It's a lot to take in even for her." I said calmly.
"You're right. I'll try to apologize to her later."
"I'm so confused... What just happened? What do you mean by us helping you stopping Inferno? There's more amulets out there? Then who-"
"And here we go with all the questions again. Seriously Jack. You need to stop asking about stuff." I said giving him an evil smirk.
"Heh... Right... I won't." He said looking down.
"Wait what do you mean?" Newtron said giving me a confused look.
"When we first met he stared asking lots of questions out of the blue."
"Not my fault that I was confused!"
"Ugh... I'm just gonna go take a look around this place... Because this is clearly not where I was before blacking out..."
Maya – "I'm coming with. Eric you coming too?"
Eric – "Ehh... Yeah sure... Why not..."
"See you guys later then."
"Wait... Eric... Can you stay for a bit longer? We'd like to talk to you first." Newtron said, putting a hand on Eric's shoulder.
"Uhm... Okay then..."
"Hm... Luna, you going to stay here or come with us?"
"I'll come with."
"Jack and Luna, we'd like to talk to you two too but we can take that later."
"Okay." Jack said and left with Maya and Luna.
"Well... What did you want to talk about?"
"Eric, you know what we're going to talk about." Monster said, walking closer to Eric, causing him to fall back on a chair.
"Ugh... I was afraid that you were going to say that... Look I don't know anything... I have no memory of my dad nor about how I got my powers..."
"Hm... So your mom wanted to keep that as a secret?"
"I. Don't. Know!"
"No need to yell... We just want to know what you remember."
"And I can't remember anything!" He said, his voice changing a bit. No one said anything after that. After awhile of silence Eric left the room, frustrated, not saying anything.
"What was that?" Newtron said looking scared at me and Monster.

Jack's P.O.V.

"So... You guys mind telling me of what happened when I was out?" I said looking at Maya and Luna.
"Not that much to be honest... After you got knocked out, Mystery came back and scared Inferno off, we got to know that you where dying or well... Badly hurt. Then we came here thanks to Mystery and here we are. Confused and scared of what's going to happen next." Maya said looking down at the ground while we were walking down the hallway to our room, as they had told me.
"Well... Here it is. Our room we've been staying in while you've been recovering." Maya said walking inside.
"Leloo!" Luna called and whistled for her dog to come.
"Erf woof" Leloo barked at Luna and jumped into Luna's arms and stared licking her face.
"Haha okay that's enough love little one." Luna said and held Leloo away from her face.
"Jack, Luna... Can we talk?" I heard a voice say behind us. All three of us turned around and saw Mystery standing right in my face.
"Uhh... Personal space maybe?" I said backing away a bit.
"Heh... Yea right. Sorry but mind if I– *Ahem* We have a chat with you and Luna?"
"Yea? Sure. Luna?" I said looking at Luna.
"Mhm. Right behind ya."
"Follow me then. Maya, you can find Shadow in the kitchen. Go help her make dinner for later."
"On it!" Maya said and ran out from the room.
"Come out now" Mystery said and out from the shadows came Newtron and Monster.
Luna – "You two've been here this whole time?"
Newtron – "No, we just came with Mystery."
Luna – "Oh..."
"Okay... What do you want to talk about?" I said looking at Mystery.
Mystery – "It's time that you learn how to use your powers, both of you."
Luna – "I already know how to use them a bi-"
Monster – "Not how to transform."
Luna – "Wait what?"
Newtron – "You have the amulet of a Shadow from the Demon group, that means you can turn into one by concentration. If you fail, it might take control of you instead."
"Well that sound pleasant..."
Luna – "Like you red my mind Jack... I don't really think that's safe..."
Monster – "Well, as you said yourself. You already know how to use your powers. When it comes to Jack, he got it a bit... Harder, since he needs to learn how to transform as well."
"But to what? You're a de-"
Monster – "Part demon. I'm only from that group which gives me powers like one. That doesn't mean that I am one."
"Oh... Sorry..."
Monster – "No worries."
Newtrom – "I believe you were going to say something else Jack. What?"
"Huh? Oh yea, that's right. So if Monster is from the demon group, that makes Luna able to change into that... But what are you Mystery? What group are you from?"
"Hehe. I'll show you. I hope you're not afraid of heights though." She said and chuckled.
"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" She said, took my hand and made us run out of the room, out to the courtyard.
"Uhh... Mystery?"
"Ready Jack?"
"I uhh..."
Newtron – "Jack be careful now... Mystery can be a bit... Outgoing... When she's transformed..."
"W-What d-do you m-mean by that?"
Newtron – "Good luck Jack."
"W-What? D-Don't leave me here! What is she going to do?!" But before i knew it, they were gone.
"You ready Jack?"
"Ugh... Y-Yea..."
"Great!" She said and then a bright light came out of nowhere, making me blind for a second. When I was able to see again, I saw a giant black-purple dragon infront of me.


So I've realized that I haven't written on my stories for a while... This chapter was written many months ago and what I'm writing here and now is the newest thing I've written. Sorry for being inactive. School, friends, family etc. Welp... Next part should be out in some weeks... Maybe months... I'm not sure. Anyways, see ya then!


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