Chapter 21 [Loved Without Knowing]

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"The best love
is the kind that awakens the soul
that makes us reach for more,
that plants the fire in our hearts
and brings peace to our minds.
That's what I hope
to give you forever."

Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply
gives you courage.

-3rd Person View {Monster and Maya}-

Monster and Maya were quickly but carefully walking through the north side of the Shadow Lands, looking everywhere for their friend. Monster was going high up and Maya far down, yet something was troubling Maya and Monster had now realized that something was up.
He flew down to Maya.
"Hey, what's up? You seem a bit down." He asked her.
"I do? Oh... It's nothing..." Maya answered quietly.
"Come on. I've seen the exact same face expression on Mystery when Jack was out. There's something about that boy that's troubling you. Isn't it...?"
"There's no hiding now Maya. But I understand if you don't want to talk about it."
-sigh- "I'm just thinking about what Inferno said before... Did Jack really have feelings for me?"
"I, uh..."
"Monster, do you know if he did?"
"How so?"
"I saw the ways he looked at you... Newtron has given Shadow those looks sometimes."
"Wait, Nick likes Sarah?"
"Yes and I'm the only one who knows about it. He's been there by her side the whole time. When something's wrong, helping her to heal and help other Shadows etc. He's just happy to help her out and that she's letting him help."
"Wow... So you really think that Jack likes me?"
"He's been caring a lot about Mystery as well these past days... I think those feelings he had for you... Are slowly fading away... I think that he's starting to like Mystery instead. But yes, I think he likes you."
"Oh..." Maya said looking down to the ground. "Well when we get him back, I have to find out the truth."
"Or just ignore it."
"Say what?" Maya looked up and gave Monster a confused look.
"I personally think it's better to ignore it and let things happen with time."
"... I think you're right..."
"Come on, let's keep on looking for them."
"Oka-" She got cut off by a giant bang. Some seconds later, a giant beam of light came from the south part of the Shadow Lands, at the Palace.
"Come on, we have to check it out!"
"Right behind you!" And then they ran towards the Palace.


Huh... I wonder why these chapters become so short... It feels like I've written about a 1000 words xD yet in reality it's over 400 xD Oh well. This book is slowly coming to an end guys. About 5 or 6 more chapters and then it's over {what I want you guys to think ;)}
Well see ya guys in the next chapter!


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