Chapter 6 [Strange necklace pt.2]

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Maya's P.O.V.

In the distance we could see a purple glowing cloud on the edge of the beach. It's strange... It's not often you see a purple glowing cloud almost on the ground... And by that I mean it never happens.
"Uhh... What do we do? Should we go to it or ignore it and keep on looking for suplies and maybe see if we can find Jack?" I asked Eric that was just staring at the weird cloud.
"I... I... Ehh... Maya... You... You stay here... I'll... I'll go check out what that is..." Eric said and started walking towards it.
"Ugh... Fine... Just... Be careful!" I yelled to him.

Eric's P.O.V.

I slowly walked towards the weird cloud that had a weird magic sense. I knew that it was magical but I didn't want Maya to know about that magic exist. At least our magic that I have and know about. I got closer and closer until I was only two or three meters away from it. It definitely looked like a cloud but inside... There was something inside of it. In the middle I could see something or someone.
"H-hello?" I asked to nothing.
"H... Help... Me..." the thing said in the cloud. It sounded like a little girl.
"What? Who's there?" I asked the voice.
"Th-the amulet... Use the amulet... Don't give it to him!" the voice said and after that the cloud started disappearing and when it was completely gone I saw a person in a ripped, orange, fox hoodie....

'... Jack...'

All of a sudden I heard foot steps behind me.

Maya's P.O.V.

"Hey Eric? You alright?" I asked him when I got in range to let him hear me.
"I... I-... Maya... L... Look..."
"What's wron-" I said but stopped of what I saw.
"Oh my gosh... Jack! You alright?? Jack wake up!" I said as I rushed over to him and sat down next to him.
"Maya... He... He... I don't think he'll wake u-"
"M... Ma... Maya? E... Eric? I-is that you?" Jack said slowly opening his eyes.
"Jack! Oh my goodness you're alright!" I said hugging him.
"Nng... Ow... Maya... P-please... S-stop... It hurts..." he groaned in pain.
"Eek... So sorry... I didn't mean to hug you that tight..."
"Ugh... D-don't worry..."
"Jack... How you feeling buddy?" Eric asked him.
"Uhh... I... I don't know... Except that it hurts everywhere... I'm alive at least..." he said while trying to stand up. When he almost where up he fell back down only to be laying on the ground again.
"Agh..." he said holding his head.
"Jack... Y-your eye..." Eric said and starred at Jack's eyes. His right eye where now black and purple (look at the picture and you'll know what I'm talking about).

Jack's P.O.V.

{Before Eric and Maya found him}

"Ugh... M-my head... Wha-what happened? W-where am I? M-Maya? Eric? Anyone? H-help!" I shouted out weakly. 'What is this place? What is this purple stuff around me?'
"H... Help... Me..." a little girl voice said.
"What? H-how? Wh-who's there?" I asked the voice.
"Th-the amulet... Use the amulet... Don't give it to him!" the voice said and right before I know it the purple stuff around me starts to fade away.
"Hey Eric? You alright?" a girl voice said from a distance.
"I... I- Maya... L... Look..." a boy voice said as a reply.
"What's wron-" the girl said and I felt how she was looking at me surprised.
"Oh my gosh... Jack! You alright?? Jack wake up!" the girl said and then I felt a hand on my back.
'How did she know my name...? Wait a second...'
"Maya... He... He... I don't think he'll wake u-" the boy voice said.
"M... Ma... Maya? E... Eric? I-is that you?" I asked the two people that was with me. I slowly opened my eyes only to get blinded by the sun but after being used to the sun I then saw my two friends, Maya sitting next to me and Eric standing behind her.
"Jack! Oh my goodness you're alright!" Maya said and hugged me so my whole body hurt.
"Nng... Ow... Maya... P-please... S-stop... It hurts..." I groaned in pain.
"Eek... So sorry... I didn't mean to hug you that tight..." Maya said and let go of me.
"Ugh... D-don't worry..." I said and sat up a little.
"Jack... How you feeling buddy?" Eric asked me and sat down next to Maya and me.
"Uhh... I... I don't know... Except that it hurts everywhere... I'm alive at least..." I said and made an attempt to stand up but right when I was nearly up my head started to hurt. I got dizzy and fell back down on the ground.
"Agh..." I said and hold my head in pain.
"Jack... Y-your eye..." Eric said staring at me, looking straight at me in the eyes.
"Wha-what's wrong?" I asked looking confused.
"I-it's... It's not how it normally looks... It's black and purple..." Maya said and looked at me like she was creeped out.
"Wha-what? I-"
"Hmm... I wonder..." Eric said all of a sudden and looked at my necklace.
"Uhm Eric? What are you-"

"Jack... can you give me the necklace really quick? I just want to look at it really quick..." Eric said and put his hand in front of me.

"Uhm... Sure... Here..." I said confused and gave him the necklace.
"Thanks now... Maya go get something soft to lay Jack on so he can rest. I'm gonna have this 'necklace' in my pocket while I go this way and look for suplies." Eric said and head of to the direction he pointed to.
"Okay wait here then. I'm gonna go and start looking for shelter for the night." Maya said and went of.

"Uhh... 'kay... I guess I just... lay here then... and wait..." I said, laying down and looking at the sunset.

{Some minutes later}

"Jack, Jack wake up!"
"Ugh... what happened? Wait... who's there? Where am I?" I said and tried to get up from the ground... but I couldn't move.
"Where am I? Why can't I move?" I said scared and confused.

"Don't worry. You're safe here."

LONGEST CHAPTER YET! 979 words just in the normal chapter! WOW... I like to write... xD I had my chance to continue the story now that I have free time on my english lesson in school! Hah! Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and see ya in the next one!


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