Chapter 12 [You're Back]

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Eric's P.O.V.

*Cough* Was all I heard from Jack before he passed out from being thrown at a part of the tree.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I thought you were stronger Jack, at least now when you have Mystery's powers."
"He won't be able to hear you when he's knocked out you brat!" Tua said looking frustrated around.
"Huh... So you dare to call me things when you know I can do the same to you, maybe even worst."
"Hmph... Yea right." Tua said in sarcasm.
"What? Don't trust me? I can show you." The voice said laughing a bit.
"Stop you both!" Luna said getting in their conversation.
"What do you want? Who are you?" I asked the voice.
"You already know what I want Eric and you already know who I am." The voice said starting to laugh in a evil way.
"Wh-what? Wait... N-No... It c-can't be you..."
"Your grandpa gave quite the fight I must say. Too bad that he couldn't finish it with victory." The voice laughed. I felt how hatred and sadness overwhelmed me. I couldn't handle all the emotions I got. I can't believe that the same shadow that killed my grandpa had now knocked out my best friend. 'I can't just stand here and watch! Now's my chance to get my revenge!'
"Eric...?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Maya's voice.
"Y-You... K-Killed my... G-Grandpa..." I said and the tears was now gliding down my cheeks.
"Heh... So you do remember? Hehe then I'm gonna let you have that thought for a while. Now, I came here for a reason and I won't let any teenagers come in my way of my plans of escaping this prison!"
"Not so fast Inferno!" I heard an another voice say.
"Ah, well if it isn't my favourite person Mystery? Been quite the while huh? How's your sister doing after the fight?"
"That's none of your business!" Mystery said and appears in front of us.
Tua - "Shira?"
Inferno - "Huh... New look ehy?"
"I said... It's none of your business! Leave now or else..."
"Fine but this won't be the last time we meet!"
"Hmph... I doubt..."
"Mystery! You're okay!"
"Mystery? Wait what? Isn't that Shira?"
"Ugh... Shira was just a cover that me and Jack came up with. We didn't know how you humans would react of seeing a shadow but I guess that with you hearing Inferno now... I doubt you would freak out. Now... Where's Jack?"

Mytery's P.O.V.

"Ugh... Shira was just a cover that me and Jack came up with. We didn't know how you humans would react of seeing a shadow but I guess that with you hearing Inferno now... I doubt you would freak out. Now... Where's Jack?"
"Over here..." I heard the girl with headphones yell to me.
"What the... What happened? Wait... Did he do it?"
"If you mean the voice... Yes..."
"This is bad..."
"If Jack got thrown in to that tree... That can only mean that he knows about the amulet..."
"Who? Jack?"
"No. Inferno..."
"We need to help him... He's breathing slower... Eric... Do you have enough energy to heal Jack?"
"No I'm afraid not..."
"Hm... Then I think this is the only way to help him... I'm sorry Tua, Luna. But we must leave. Now."
"Why?" Luna asked.
"If Jack is going to have a chance of surviving he must get help. We need to get to my home to find the help we are looking for..."
"I'm coming with." Luna said.
"What?" Tua yelled out.
"You heard me! I'm going with them. I want to have more adventures Tua! We can't find that here! We've explored the whole island all these years we've been here!"
"You're not going anywhere..." Tua said and took a break. "With out me."
"You're coming too?"
"What other choice do I have?"
"Okay that settles it. Pack up your things... We're leaving tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? But isn't Jack in the urge of life and death here?" Maya said getting up from the ground.
"Yes but I can help him for the night. Just back off a little." I said got closer to Jack. I sat down next to him and started meditating. I heard how Jack was breathing slowly. I concentrated on giving Jack one more day to live. I knew that he wasn't going to die tomorrow so I gave him one more day just to be sure that the others could help him with enough time.
"There we go. We can now stay calm for the night. But I think we all should stay close to Jack if he wakes up or if Inferno decides to show up again. I stay up and watch. We shadows don't need sleep after all."
"Thanks Mystery..." Eric said behind my back.
"No problem... Now... Go to sleep... I need to use all the energy I can get to get us all to my home tomorrow."
"Right... Night Mystery... Night all..."
All - "Night..."


Right! How did y'all think of the chapter? Was it good? Well now I have introduced all the characters there is (at least the ones I have mentioned ). That's all and see ya guys!


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