Chapter 7 [The strange voice]

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Drawing made by: Foxie~Chan (me)

Strong language in this chapter and later ones! At least some words... ANYWAY ON WITH THE STORY!

Jack's P.O.V.

"W-What!?" I yelled out loud.
"I mean it Jack. You're safe when I'm around." the voice said in a calm tone.
"P-Please... Let me go..."
"I can't..."
"Why the hell not?!" I said getting frustrated.
"Yesh... no need to be rude. Now the reason why I can't let you go is because you're asleep. If you want to go then just wake up." the voice answered.
"I... Sorry... I just... Ugh..."
"Don't worry. It's not like I'm actually happy to be here either..." the voice said in a sarcastic way.
"W-Wait... what?" I asked looking confused out to nowhere.
"You see Jack, the amulet that you found is mine or well... my home to be more exact."
"What? Home? I-"
"Stop questioning me! Now let me tell you a story."
"What other option do I have..." I said and sighed.
"First of, my name is Mystery and that amulet you have contains my powers."
"Now if you remember you were in a purple sphere before? Am I right?"
"Purple sphere... wait... you mean the weird cloud thing around me?"
"Well... if that is how you say it then yes. That "cloud thing" is for defenses."
"And that means?"
"It keep you safe if you're about to die." Mystery said in a sarcastic way again.
"Now let me continue."
After hearing Mystery saying that I got lift up to the air and a chair appeared under me and from the dark I could see something moving. It was a girl or more likely a shadow figure. She had what it seemed like grey skin and really dark grey hair. The weird thing was that she had a normal teenagers shirt that was purple. If her skin was normal then she would look like a normal school girl.
"A long time ago there ones was a king or more likely a lord that ruled over us. We're most likely called "Shadows" but we are alive then the shadows you see. We lived in harmony until the day when everything changed. There was one shadow, stronger then all of us shadows combined, that defeated our lord. The shadow was now in charge of our land. Until me and my sister came to life, we together would stop this shadow! At least we were made to do that."
"Wait, wait... So if you were "made" then... Is this amulet... Your... Life?"
"Kinda... I mean of course that if this amulet shatter I will disappear forever so try not to break the amulet if you're nice."
"Uhm... I'll try my best... I guess..."
"Thank you."
"Uhm... Are you going to continue telling the story?"
"Hm? Oh yea... That's right... Now, as I said me and my sister were made to kill or more likely we were made to listen to the one that has our amulet, so the one with the amulet can control us. This person that made our amulets had gone to find dead shadows or even live ones, take their life spirits and put it in an amulet. Now all I remember about me is that I weren't dead from the beginning but with my sister... I'm not sure..."
"Wait so... if you weren't dead before then it must mean... YOUR MASTER KILLED YOU?!" I said and shot up from the chair, making it fall backwards to the ground. I saw how Mystery looked depressed at me.
"Jack, I... I already know that..." Mystery said and I saw how her purple-black eyes were tearing up.

Eric's P.O.V.

I examined the amulet closely. 'This amulet has to be one of those I saw some weeks ago in the shadow lands...' I thought to my self. I felt how the tears began to burn under my eyelids. I felt sorry for all the shadows there. I know what happened 5 years ago with that place, because... I was there. It was a horrible experience... Seeing how their lord fell to the ground, killed by that one shadow that no one could stop. I was only 12 years old and my grandpa had taken me to the Shadow lands to trade. My parents already knew about my powers at that time so they could trust me going with my grandpa. When we had been there for about a hour we had stopped to just say hello to the lord before we left but that's when it all happened. I forced away those thoughts from my head when I heard Maya's voice.
"Hey Eric. What's ya doin'? Maya said like she was 7 years old again.
"Hah, I'm just looking at the amulet we found on the plane plus Maya... you do know that you're not 7 years old right?" I said and looked at Maya smiling.
"What awe wou tawking abouwt?" Maya said like a 5 year old this time. I saw how she was about to burst out laughing so I stood up and started tickling her.
"Pffthahahaha! Eric! S-Stop! Hahahah!" Maya said under her breath.
"Haha! Not until you give up!" I said joking.
"F-Fine! I'll stop if you stop, haha, tickling me!" Maya said and fell to he ground laughing.
"Hah, okay." After a while laughing we decided to go back to Jack and see how he felt.

???'s P.O.V.

I watched how the other two had been joking around with each other and then walked back to the boy.
"Soon I'll be enough strong to beat you. I'll make sure of that. You'll see soon who's the real leader here in this world."

Mystery's P.O.V.

I felt how tears burned under my eyelids but I tried my best to hide it.
"O-Oh... s-sorry... I didn't mean to make you start to-"
"N-No... don't you worry... I... I just guess I didn't prepare myself enough to tell you about this story..." I said and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"N-Now... just... Jack... p-please... wake up now... I don't know how much more I can take..."
"I understand... but Mystery... if I want to talk to you again... then how can I-"
"Just talk... but in your head... I'm most likely inside of you so I can see and hear what you're saying. I can even hear your thoughts."
"Oh so I just talk through my head to get to you?"
"O-Okay then... B-Bye Mystery..."
"Bye Jack..."

Jack's P.O.V.

"Gah!" I said and shot up from the ground.
"Whoa, Jack just calm down. You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something. You're so pale." Eric said and just looked at me.
"Pale? Oh no! Jack just stand still." Maya said and felt my forehead.
"Maya?" I said confused and coughed a little bit.
"Oh no... Jack... You have a fever... Here drink this." Maya said and held a coconut to my face.
"A coconut? How's that suppose to help him?" Eric said and looked out weirded at Maya.
"Yea? I couldn't find any water nearby and he can't drink the ocean water!"
"Ugh you know what? Jack, here take my jacket, fold it and lay down. Use it as a pillow and I'd never thought I would get to this point but to help you in this situation I must..." Eric said and put his hand on my head. I felt how the fever started to fade a little but it remained only one question.
"E-Eric... For how long have you been able to do that?" I said holding my head.


CLIFFHANGER! HAHA! What do you guys think will happen next?? Plus THIS CHAPTER IS NOW THE LONGEST I'VE EVER MADE AND ONE OF MY FAVORITE TO! xD I had so much fun writing it and I hope you guys enjoyed it as well! Bai!


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