Chapter 11 [Camp Fire]

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Eric's P.O.V.

It was a long pause between my answer and Maya's question. I didn't want to say who she was because I don't know if Maya is allowed to know about Mystery. I need to tell her something else for now.
"Eric? Who's Shira?" Maya asked once more and got me out from my thinking.

"Shira... She... We meet her when I was looking for Jack before... I think she was on the plane as well but at the front somewhere... I believe..." I said looking down. I saw how Maya's leg still was bleeding after the bite. Luna really needs to make her wolf stop doing that.

"Hm... Okay..."
"We're back!" I heard Tua yell to us from the under layer of the camp or treehouse now to think of it.
"You got Jack and Shira?" I said looking over the edge but I only got to see Tua help Jack up from the ladder.
"Where's Shira?" I asked and looked around where they was standing.
"She left." Tua said looking up at me. "Luna! Start the fire! It's going to be a cold night!"

"Yea, yea... I got it." Luna answered when Tua came up from the ladder that lead up to us.

{Later that night}

All of us was at the fire, sitting in a small circle. I had Jack to the left of me and Maya to the right. Next to Jack was Tua and next to Maya was Luna. Between Tua and Luna was Leloo lying and looking at the fire. I could sense magic come from the wolf but I couldn't figure out what though. Now when we all where at the fire I could get a much clearer look at how Luna looked like. Before at the beach, the only thing I saw was that she had a grey cap and blond hair. Now I saw that she had a grey top, so you could see her stomach, and a green-white-black shirt on top. She had grey shorts and black shoes. I saw now that her eyes were actually brown. I thought they were a dark green before but as I said some moments ago. I only saw her cap and her hair. Some of her face and clothing but it was dark so I couldn't make up the colours. Mine, Jack and Maya's clothes were still ripped here and there and our hair was a mess. I think Maya is glad that her headphones still worked but the thing I couldn't understand was, why did she take her mp3 with her instead of her phone? If she had her phone we could call for help right now! I couldn't find mine and Jack didn't bring his with, he forgot to take it with is a better way to say it. But I can understand why he forgot it. I would have forgotten it if I got stressed out of my house.
"Now when we all are here we can maybe get to know each other a little bit!" Tua said being all happy. "We start with saying our names out loud, I start! Hi I'm Tua, now... You continue." She said and pointed at Jack.
"Hm? Oh... I... Uhh... I'm Jack..." Jack said and I saw that he had cried. I wonder what though.
"Okay, now you."
"Uhm.. I'm Eric."

"I... I'm Maya..."

"I'm Luna and this is my wolf Leloo." Luna said petting Leloo on the head.
"What? Still angry at my wolf for biting ya'? It was your fault for not shutting up!"
"Hey don't start arguing now! Just forget about what happened before and think about the future!" Tua said and put a hand on Luna's shoulder.
"Now... You guys wanna tell more about your selfs? Like... Where you come from and where you were heading? Your family, you age maybe... I don't know." (True... I actually don't have any other ideas for questions xD) Tua said and looked at me, Jack and Maya.
"Well..." I started "We're all from Boston and we were going to go on vacation down at Spain and we were going to meet our friend there but now I guess she's going to be worried about us... I'm sure she already have found out about that the workers have lost contact with our plane. Oh and I have one question for you two..."
"Hm? Yea? What's the question?"

"How old are you two actually? You don't look old at all... And I believe you are the oldest of you two because of how you act." I said looking at Luna.
"Pffthahahahahaha!" Tua laughed so she fell on her back. Non stop laughing.

"It's actually Tua that is the oldest here... I'm 10 and she's 11... So ya..."

"Wait what? Then how come you are the one acting like the oldest?"

"I'm just acting like that when it comes to new people. I'm normally the nice one out of us two. She's the tuff one." (Fun fact; When I had started to write chapter 8 and I came to the part when Eric, Jack and Mystery meet Luna... I had completely forgot that Luna was nice and Tua tuff/mean (in some way...) xD I had to say something to make it look like I didn't forgot the script to the characters xD)

"Oh... Well then..." I said looking at Luna with Tua still laughing her butt of on the ground. After a while, Tua had calmed down and we had got to know each other better, for example: Leloo was a special wolf, she could teleport just like me, Luna and Tua had lived in this jungle for 3 years and tons of more information about them.
"Well... What now?" Maya asked.
*Yawn*"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna head to bed. It's been a long day." Tua said looking tired.
"Yea, you're right. I can show where you guys can sleep for the night." Luna said as she was getting up.
"Night all." Tua said and went to her room.

Jack's P.O.V.

"Night all." Tua said and dissapeard behind a part of the tree.
It had only taken 1 or 2 minutes until Tua was sent flying to us, landing right on top of me.
*Cough*"Ugh..." I said moving slightly.
Maya - "Jack!"
Luna - "Tua!"
Both Luna and Maya was right next to us before I knew it.
"Tua what happened?" Luna said helping Tua off of me.
*Cough*"I... I don't know... All I remember is seeing a face and then before I could react... I was sent flying towards you guys... Ouch that hurt..."
"You think?" I said groaning at the same time.
"So sorry Jack..." Tua said helping me back up.
"Ugh... Don't worry..."
"Oh? Did I hurt someone?" I heard a deep voice say.
"Who's there?" I heard Luna say as she got her bow up, pointing at the place where Tua flew from.
"Now, now. No need to get your weapons up. I'm just here for one reason and one reason only." The deep voice said laughing a bit.
"What do you want then?" I asked looking at Maya and Eric.
"I'm glad you asked Jack, because it's you that is the reason why I'm here."
"You got something that belongs to me."
"And that would be?"
"Heh... Mystery could probably answer that. Speaking of witch... Where is she?"
"M-Mystery? I... Uhm... Wh-who's that?"
"Oh you can't lie to me Jack. Now, where is she?" The voice said getting angry.
"I. Don't. Know... She left hours ago!"
"Hours ago? Hmpf... Well... If she's not here then she can't help any of you while I'm doing this."
"Wh-what?" I said and then everything went black.

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