Chapter 13 [Broken]

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Jack's P.O.V.
(Aha! Weren't expecting that did you? XD)

I could hear faint voices. I was breathing heavily. That person must've been really strong if he got me in this kind of condition. I remembered that I had Mystery's powers so that wouldn't hurt if someone else did it.
'Wait... What if it's the shadow that Mystery talked about?' I thought for myself. It hurt everywhere. I think some bones are broken. Am I going to survive?
"Jack?" I heard someone clearly say to me. "Jack please... Wake up... They're worried about you... I'm worried about you..."
*Cough* "Ugh... M-M... Mys-stery?"
"I thought y-you... L-Left..." I slowly opened my eyes to see my friend.
"I-I know... But I couldn't help it... I knew that something was wrong when I tried to communicate with you... When I didn't get a respond I knew you all were in danger..." Mystery said and I felt a water drop fall on my hand. I opened my eyes fully and saw that Mystery was crying.

Mystery's P.O.V.

{27 hours before Jack wakes up}

"Okay everyone ready?"
"Yea... But how do we do this now?"
"Just stand close to me and hold each others hands." and they did as I said. I concentrated and used all the energy I could get from all of them to get us all to my home.

{26 hours before Jack wakes up}

I opened my eyes saw that we were in the Shadow Lands.
"Wow look at this place! It huge!" Tua said.
"Heh... And this is just a hiding place. This place is small if you compare it to the palace at the top of the mountain."
"What? My gosh..."
Voice - "Who goes there?"
"Chill Newtron. It's just me."
Newtron - "Mystery?"
"Hmph... No it's santa clause. Of course it me!"
Newtron - "Hah... Still got your humor I see? It's been a while my friend. I guess you found a new owner?"
"Yes but he's in a bad condition... He needs medical help immediately!"
Newtron - "Ah... I see... Was it him?"
"Please just go get my sister... I don't want to lose my owner... Not again..."
Newtron - "On my way."
"Shadow... Please help him... Please tell me you're okay..." I said to myself.
Eric - "Newtron?"
"Hm? Oh... yea right. Newtron is a Shadow from the angel group."
Eric - "Oh that's cool."
Shadow - "Mystery! I came as fast as I could! What's the problem? Are you hurt?"
"No, no I'm not but... I... Eh... He isn't..." I said moving a bit to let my sister see Jack.
Shadow - "Oh my... What happened?"
"He happened..."
Shadow - "Inferno... He's just been a pain ever since that day... Nothing but pain... I'll see what I can do for him."
"Thank you..."
Voice - "I can show them to where they can stay."
"Monster... I know you're living in to that demon form now but there's no need for that voice now... We don't want to scare our guests now do we?"
Monster - "Heh... Fine. Now follow me. I'll take you to your rooms where you can stay now under your friends recovery."
"Thank you Monster."
Monster - "No problem."
Eric - "Wait can we really trust them?"
"Yes don't worry. Plus I thought you trusted us Shadows, Eric."
Eric - "I do but this guy looks a little freaky..."
Monster - "Heh... Well I can change so I look like a human if that makes you feel better."
Eric - "Eh... No need to. I'm supposed to be used to this... It was only five weeks ago I was here last time so..."
Monster - "You were?"
"Yes but I was at the other side of the town, I think..."
Monster - "I see..."

Eric's P.O.V.

{25 hours before Jack wakes up} (Before you ask. Yes the time goes pretty fast in the shadow lands. At least 10 minutes in real life is one hour at this place.)

We followed Mystery's friend to our rooms that we were going to stay at until Jack recovers. The room was quite big so all if us could stay in the same room. We are at least 4 people and one animal so the room is pretty big.
Monster - "You all can stay in this room for now. All of you are welcome later to dinner. I'll send one of our butlers to come get you later ok?"
Monster - "Yes or do you want anyone of us to come and get you?"
Monster - "Ehh... I'll tell Newtron to get you later instead."
"Okay..." I said as he left.
"Eric, you okay? You haven't been yourself since the encounter with that voice..." Maya asked as she came over to me.
"Huh? Oh uhm... I just... I guess... I don't think I'm in the mood..."

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