Chapter 18 [Out Of Control]

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-Mystery's View-

A while of flying we got back to our "hide out". I can't really call it home so hide out it is. Some minutes later I felt something... Strange but familiar... Yet before I could react, I got hit by something making Jack and his sister fall from my back. Luckily I wasn't that far up yet it was a rough landing, of what I could guess.
-groan- Was all I could hear from Jack before I hit the ground.

-Jack's View-

Arg, that was a hard landing. Worse now than before. Hope Annie's oka-
"Nng... Yea?" I heard my sister say weakly. I sat up and rushed over to her to see if she was okay.
"What happened?" she asked.
"I have no ide-"
"Did I interrupt anything?"
Of course he's behind this...
-sigh- "What do you want?"
"J-Jack... Who's tha-at?" Annie asked and pointed towards a figure up in the air. The figure I could see had two glowing red eyes, gray skin and dark gray hair. Yet there was something similar to him that I've seen before. His look reminded me of... Eric...? For some dumb reason.
"Like my surprise Jack? I did this just for you."
"Surprise? What surprise?"
"Your sister of course! What else?"
Wait... He's behind why Annie is...
"You brought her here?!"
"Why yes. Don't you like it? Aren't you happy?"
"Happy to see her, yes. Having her here, no. Seeing you here, double no."
"Well that's disappointing. I thought you liked seeing me."
"Not after what you did to me..."
"Did what?"
"I... N-Nothing..."
"Jack... What did he do?"
"Come on Jack. Tell her. I'm very interested in knowing what I did to you."
"I-... -sigh- Annie... We have to run... Now."
"But Ja-"
"No but's! Just run!" I caught her off and then we ran, ran as fast as we could. Away from Inferno,
but that's when I realized...
"Annie... Keep on running forward, you should find a door right in front of you, go in and get Eric and Maya. Anyone you can find, we need their help. I'll go back and get Mystery."
"O-Okay... I will." She said and ran the direction I told her. I turned around and ran back to Inferno and Mystery.
'Mystery, are you there?'
No answer.
'Mystery, please answer me!'
Still nothing.
No... She can't be de-
'Nng... J-Jack?' I heard Mystery say weakly.
'Mystery! You okay? I'm on my way back to help you!'
'No... Jack... Don't... He's too strong... You can't take him... By yourself...'
'Annie is on her way to get the others. Just hold out. I'm on my way.'
'No... J-Jack... Don't c-come... It's a tr-' was all I could hear before I shut her out from my mind.
I'm sorry Mystery. But I have to help you.
"Ah, Jack. You came back. Look what I caught." Inferno said and held up Mystery by her neck. Or more like her jacket.
"Mystery... What did you do to her?"
"Oh I did nothing. Just knocking her out so I can take care of you once more, but this time... You'll stay down." He said booming. I felt my anger raise yet I kept my calm to not loose concentration.
"I won't let you hurt me or anyone anymore."
"Oh... Is that so?" He said, came down, let's go of Mystery and went towards me. "Hehe... Then if I can't, I'll let someone else do it for me." He said and lifted his hand. He grabbed my arm and like that, he was gone. That's when I started feeling pain. A headache, worse than anything I've had. I fell to my knees, begging in my head for it to stop.
"Jack, I got Maya and Eri-"
"Oh my goodness! Jack! Are you alright?" I heard Maya yell to me
"P-Pl-ease... M-ake it s-stop..." I yelled out weakly.
"Jack! Eric, go get Sarah! Quick!"
"Already a step ahead of you!" Eric said and with a poof, he was gone..
"Jack, you okay?" Maya said kneeling down next to me.
"M-aya... P-lease... I ne-ed hel-p..."
"Eric is already on his way to get Sarah and the others."
"She'll be fine, don't you worry."
'How ya' feeling Jack? Sick?'
"What...?" Maya said confused.
'Wh-at do you w-ant...?'
'Well you told me I couldn't hurt you or your friends so I'm letting someone else do it instead.'
'But you're hu-rting me right now...'
'True yet I'm not the one who's going to hurt your friends in some minutes.'
'What ar-e you talk-ing about...?'
'You'll see.' I heard him laughing in my head. Then all of a sudden, I couldn't feel my body anymore nor the anger I felt just some moments ago.
What did he do to me?
I then felt the urge to kill.
What's happening to me?
Eric - "We're here now!"
Shadow - "Newtron, you take care of Jack, I have to see if Mystery is okay."
Newtron - "Okay."
'How nice of them. They're trying to help you. Too bad that it's too late.' He laughed in my head. I was laying on the ground, paralyzed. I couldn't move at all.
'Wh-at did you d-do...?'
'You'll see soon, very soon'
"Jack, you okay buddy?" I heard Newtron ask me.


I couldn't speak...
I tried to tell him that Inferno is in my head but nothing came out.
Newtron - "Jack?"
Maya - "I don't think he's fine... You have to help him now."
Newtron - "I am-! Wait... You were with him before, right kid?"
Annie - "Yes, I was..."
Newtron - "Did you see anything... Strange perhaps?"
Annie - "We saw this person with glowing red eyes. Then Jack and that person started talking about something... One of the things was that the person had done something to Jack an-"
Newtron - ""Person with glowing red eyes?" "Done something to Jack?" please don't tell me... Monster you have to help me out now! Inferno is behind this!"

I'm giving this one more shot... I have to get their attention!
Newtron - "Hm? Jack?"
Newtron - "Don't you worry Jack, we'll help you out, don't you worry at all."
"I-nfer-no... H-e... My... He-ad..."
Newtron - "Come on Jack, spit it out. What did Inferno do?"
"M-y hea-d... Hi-s vo-ice... I c-can't b-are the pa-in..." I got out yet I heard my voice change. Making it a mix between my voice and... Inferno's...
Newtron - "Woah... Jack... Okay you're not fine. Monster, I think Inferno is trying to change Jack... Or more likely... Taking over..."
Monster - "I'll try to help him yet I need the amulet to do it."
Eric - "I got it here in my pocke-"
Mystery - "N-No, don't take it out! That's just what he wants us to do!"

-Inferno's View-

"Exactly." I boomed at the mortals. I left Jack's body, still having control over him.
"And I'll let him go if you give me it." I said, looking at Eric. He gave me a look who showed me a "no" for an answer. "I'll give you your friend back if you give me that amulet, Eric."
"I... I can't..." he said backing away a bit. I snapped with my fingers and Jack's body started to slowly stand up.
"Jack? You okay?"
"He won't answer you sadly." I said and laughed.

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