Interviewing @Mrs_Manhunter_Jonzz

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Interviewing Mrs_Manhunter_Jonzz

1. How's life?

Life is okay; trying to pursue my first go at NaNoWriMo! Pretty hectic considering the other stories I've abandoned and need to update!

2. How did you join WattPad?

I'm a moderator on another site; my job is to do age verifications. Many times, I come across other sites that the potential user is a part of: Wattpad has appeared many times. I finally got tired of seeing it and finally signed up I believe this past summer.

3. Your inspiration for writing?

My inspiration for writing used to be to simply have something for my entertainment. No one else was supposed to see my writing outside of school assignments when I was in school! But after sharing a couple of stories with my sister-in-law, she inspired me to share them with the rest of the world. So now my inspiration for writing is to hear feedback from others... which doesn't happen often! But when it does; it is greatly appreciated!

4. Do you think that the cover plays an important part in books?

I think it does to an extent. There’s been quite a few times where I've been intrigued by just a cover only to find out that the actual story is very lacking. If there's anything that's important is the format of the summary; you can pretty much tell the quality of a story by how well written the summary is.

5. Do you have any advice for other authors?

My advice to other writers: don't be afraid to accept criticism. You never know what will help you to become better. It doesn't mean that the reviewer was being mean; many critiques are for your own good.

6. What’s your favorite book?

That's a tough one. I'll have to pick two: actual book will be The Hunger Games. The other is a story on a website for fan fiction adult writers: the story is called The Orphans of Cerberus. I wish that the author was on here so I could give her credit; it was one of the best Final Fantasy VII fanfics I had ever read!

7. Have you ever lost something important?

It was important to me; maybe not to anyone else but I lost all of my written stories from age 10 to age 21 that I had hand written, along with my prom dress, my diploma and my cap and gown; they were put in a storage unit that was never paid for...

8. Do you play any sports?

I used to play American flag football in high school; that was the extent of my athleticism! Wait... I was also a cheerleader!

9. Favorite Food?

That's also a tough one; I'm a fat kid and I love food in general!  Lol well... I will have to say that it's a tie between snow crab legs and bbq.

10. Favorite childhood memory?

Favorite childhood memory...... hmm... not that I had a horrible childhood; I just can't really think of a specific time! Oh! My favorite childhood memory would be me going to the college basketball games with my dad and brother. He surprised the two of us with season tickets to see the Memphis Tigers basketball team. Being a sports fanatic, it was one of the best things that ever happened!

11.       What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is actually succumbing to dementia. The thought of being incoherent right before death is a bit unsettling and very scary for me; when I die; I either want to be aware of it or at least asleep

12.      Do you like pickles?

I do like pickles but they have to be sour or sweet. Regular dill just gets picked off my burgers!

13.      How old were you when you had your first kiss?

I was 12; we went behind a car that was parked in the church parking lot and shared a quick kiss!

14. Favorite Color?

I have two: purple and black.

15.      Favorite ice-cream flavor?

Cookies n cream.

16.      Are you currently in a relationship?

Yes; we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary on November 5th!

17. If you could have any animal in the world, illegal or not, what would you have?

Black mamba. They’re really beautiful snakes as well as some of the fastest and deadliest snakes in the world

18. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

XD the answer to that is too vulgar for Wattpad! I'll go for something a bit milder... I got drunk one time and decided to wrestle a Marine. He was drunk too but not as much as I was! Needless to say, I woke up with several bruises and an overall very sore body!

19. Would you rather, speak any language fluently or be able to talk to animals?

As much as I would love to be able to communicate with my dog, I think it would be more useful to be able to speak any language fluently. Would definitely come in handy if I was to ever travel overseas

20. Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?

Since I already have true love... give me the money! :D

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