Interviewing @kthaler

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Enjoy :) and sorry cause I didn’t updated this earlier :(

I was writing a book with my turtles in my Joint account, you should go check that out, obviously if you have free time. It’s on my profile (joint account).


Interviewing kthaler

1. How are you?

Pretty good but tired Haha

2. How did you join WattPad?

I joined wattpad but looking up story sharing websites and found wattpad. :)

3.  Why did you choose to write?

Well in seventh grade my friend made me join a writing club at our school I found out I was pretty good at it so I kept writing.  Now I can't imagine not writing. :)

4. Who would you like to see playing a character in your book?

Um well I'm not really sure. When I think of actors I usually just google pictures of people not knowing their names Haha

5. Where can you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Oh gosh in five years I hope to be on my way to being a pediatric doctor and a writer part time

6. What would be your dream job?

Haha well a pediatric surgeon or a writer :)

7. Are you mostly a clean or messy person?

Oh clean! The only thing somewhat messy is my room but I hate being messy!

8. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

Um I always liked the names Emily or Sarah.  I don't know Haha. I never really thought about that. :)

9. 3 things you cannot live without?

Food, water, and oxygen. Haha kidding but I couldn't live without my laptop, books, and music!

10. Best compliment you have received?

Well I have been called beautiful which always is great but I really love it when I got compliments saying I was a great writer! :)

12. Tea or Coffee?

I hate the smell of coffee so tea. I don't usually drive either that much but tea would be the one I would pick :)

13. What is your favorite flower?

Probably a rose :)

14. Would you rather dump someone else or be the person getting dumped?

I'm not a mean person but I would rather dump the person just because I would know it was coming and I wouldn't be shocked

15. Name one thing you totally suck at.

Cooking Haha I can heat things up that's about it :)

16. If you had to live under the sea what kind of an animal would you be?

A dolphin for sure because they are beautiful and amazing!!!

17. Name a singer/band that you can't stand the sound of.

Lady gaga I just uhh. Her voice just makes me mad.

18. If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?

Hunter Hayes because he is an amazing singer and he is gorgeous!!!

19. Describe yourself in one word.

I would have to say either shy or smart. I can’t pick which one. But yeah I'm the shy girl who is only going with her friends :)

20. Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?

Haha the only reason for wanting to be a guys is that I wouldn't have periods Haha I know all girls hate them and I wouldn't have to carry a baby when I'm pregnant but I would rather stay a girl :)

 Kthaler’s words of wisdom:

Never give up writing.  You can only get better. Who cares what others think of your writing just keep doing it. Also write what you want to write and not what other want! :)

Yeah so there is my wisdom for today!


Again Im really sorry for the late post. I had a terrible week last week, I'm not lying or can ask me about it if you really wanna know, which I'm sure none of you do. And also as I said above was working with the turtles in my joint account. It would be really great if you could read and leave a comment on it....dont have to but you know :)  CIAO 

P.S.... PM me if you have something to talk about, or just cause. Also PM me if you would like to be interviewed :)

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