Interview with @HardToSurvive

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Happy Birthday @HardToSurvive ..... Look at the side :D


Interviewing @HardToSurvive

   1.      How are you?

-         Well at the moment I’m doing all right.

  2.     When and how did you join WattPad?

-         Since Apr 22, 2013, one of my friends told me about it. She was talking about this really cool site full of really good story and where you can even share your own story I thought that was awesome so I made an account.

3.     What are your motivations for writing?

-         Mostly I write about things I like you know as an escape from the real-world but I also write to describe my feelings, that’s why I write poetry also I have one book I write to get attention to something, and how better to explain something other than with a story right? But it also helps that I have some people that read my stories and motivate me to continue with the things I write.

4.     What is the hardest thing about writing?

-         You always need enough inspiration and ideas for a chapter to continue with writing also you need to feel the story when you write on the chapter the moment itself. When you have all that it’s not really difficult but if you miss one of them you easily get writers block.

5.     Do you have any advice for other authors?

-         I think you have to make sure you have a storyline in your head before you start a story, it makes it easier. Also it helps to find what inspires you the most. Another advice, if you are really bad with grammar and make typos just like me you can ask for an editor to help you and well as you long enjoy writing you’re doing a great job.

6.     Have you ever been to a concert?

 -         Yes, I have to a One Direction concert, it was at the take me home tour in Amsterdam the most amazayn evening/night of my life

7.     What is your favorite book?

-         I have read all of the Harry Potter books and all of the Twilight books and just love them all.

 8.    Have you ever done something that you regret?

-         Of course I have. I think everybody has, but I don't think I made really bad mistakes in my life so far.

9.     Favorite Food?

-         I just love Pizza.

10.   Favorite Movie?

-         Actually same as the books. I love Harry Potter and Twilight, all of them.

11.  Favorite TV show?

-         It changes sometimes but right now its Sam and Cat and Anger Management.

12.Favorite memory?

-         Probably all the fun things I have done with my friends. I just love my friends they’re really amazing.

13.Do you like Nutella?

-         Yes, I love everything with chocolate.

14.What is your greatest fear?

-         I have to say water, not like I don't take a shower or something like that. But I don't swim and I don't go on a boat it’s the idea of drowning and die.

15.When was the last time you cried?

-         A couple weeks ago because of people were sending me hateful comments.

16.Favorite Number?

-         My favorite number is 5.

17.Would you rather be ugly and marry a good looking person or be good looking and marry an ugly person?

-         I wouldn't know. What matters to me is that the person I marry is a good person for me.

18.If you could have any animal in the world, illegal or not, what would you have?

-         I think I already have the animal I want I have always wanted a dog and the breed Shih Tzu.

19.Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween?

-         We don't really celebrate Halloween where I live but if I do celebrate it I want to be a vampire.

20.  If you could get a tattoo, what would you get?

-         I’m actually gonna get a tattoo on 30th October and it will be a music sign with a little heart on it in my wrist.

21.Describe yourself in one word?

-      That’s a difficult one I think caring.

22.      What book are you working on at the moment?

-         Uhm, I am working on three stories, I will tell what their about one by one:

Life feels horrible: a story about bullying it’s about a girl who gets bullied in the extreme and you see this from her point of view I write this to get attention to bullying and how bad it is.

Secret magic life: There is a girl who seems to be normal but she is not she is the protector of the balance between the magic and human world she is also half human and half magic creature is supposed to keep this a secret and only her grandma knows about it she helps her train but it’s not gonna be easy there is a war coming between the two worlds and she needs to solve it.

One wish of magic: It’s about a girl, one night she sees a falling star she wish for being a witch with all those magic powers but then she is like yeahh right like magic is real if so I’m a famous person both of which becomes true. She gets a mentor to help her with the magic part but how can she handle the fame and her new magic powers.

 Message from @HardToSurvive

“I love all the people who are reading my stories and I want to thank everybody who votes on them and comments. My watty-friends and fans really keep me going on writing and are online a lot so thanks to every single on of you”


 Hola :) 

It was great interviewing @HardToSurvive

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