Interviewing @infin8Lyt

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Hi :)  

 If infin8Lyt is reading this, look at the side... :D

Interviewing infin8Lyt

1. How was your day?

-      My day was pretty much boring and uneventful, not as fun as yesterday.

2. When and how did you join WattPad?

-      I made an account about 2 months back, but had to delete it. This account was made just recently, 5 days back I believe. My friend was the one who suggested wattpad for me. I shared a couple of my writings with him and he told me to post them here.

3. If you are, what books are you reading at present?

-      At the moment, I'm reading Hurt by Tabitha Suzuma, and also just started 'The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch'

4. Do you have any advice you would like to give to other fellow wattpad-ders?

-      I'm not experienced or talented enough to give advice, but they should ignore the number of votes, interact with fellow writers, and write as often as possible.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

-      In 5 years, I hope to be in Australia finishing up my studies and having a decent job. If all goes well, I also intend to publish my first book by then.

6. Do you play any musical instruments?

-      Unfortunately, as much as I love music, I have zero musical talent. I didn't get the chance to learn any instrument, but if I was to, I would learn the violin. I absolutely love it and find it quite fascinating.

7. Do you like pickles? =D

-      Haha yeah, I actually love mango pickles :) 'Many pickles a day, keeps the doctor away :P

8. When/Who was your first crush?

-      I actually don't remember who my first crush was :P

9. Favorite song at the moment?

-      Favorite song at the moment is 'Iris by Goo Goo Dolls' :)

10. Where would you like to go on a vacation?

-      A vacation in Maldives sounds perfect :) Hopefully, I'll get to go after uni :)

11. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

-      To be honest, I never do anything crazy :) I try my best to remain under the radar and never get in trouble. I grew up in places where there wasn't anything crazy to do :D

12.If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are the five things that you would want to have with you?

-      5 things, let’s see;

1.   Laptop

2.   Phone

3.   IPod

4.   spare IPod

5.   And I almost forgot, something to eat and drink :D

13. What would you pick- Love or money?

Definitely Love. Love is rare and precious and pure. Money on the other hand, not so much.

14. If you could have any animal in the world, illegal or not, what would you have?

I would want to have a Wolf, color that of snow :)

15. Favorite Color?


16. What do you like to do for fun? (*Besides doing homework :P)

Haha Besides homework, I like to play PC games, read novels, listen to music, go for Bowling, hang out with best friend, go to the cinema, write, learn about computers, and meet new people ...stuff like that :)

17. Would you rather dump someone else or be the person getting dumped?

I would rather be dumped. I have only had one girlfriend, I don’t date. But even though I broke-up with her, I let the whole school think she dumped me coz I didn't want anyone to know she cheated on me and spoil her reputation. Now that I think of it, it’s kind of weird :)

18. Do you have any special/hidden talents?

Yes... I’m very talented at eating infinite amounts of chocolates. Haha other than that, I guess I'm good with computers and gadgets. Plus my major talent is boring people to sleep :)

19. Favorite TV show?

This is a tough question. I watch a lot of them, so it’s kind of a difficult choice, but I'll go with Game of Thrones and Vampire Diaries :)

20. If you could get a tattoo, what would you get?

Aha, I have already chosen a design. It’s a Pentagon then a triangle on top of it and the Letter N in the middle :) Weird, but holds deep meaning to me :)


 Amazing Words of wisdom from @infin8Lyt

 I'm not wise, but I'll like to share one of my best quotes;

"In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away" - Shing Xiong

 Just try and live a life with no regrets, and try to enjoy every moment. Always have hope and never give up.


 AN*** Hello everyone!!!

It was amazing-ly great and fun to interview @infin8Lyt ....He is really amazing so go stalk him :D :P and read his works :)

Happy Halloween btw.....give me some candies!!!

Bye :D

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