S e v e n t y - F i v e : P u p p y

En başından başla

"Hm. A big silver one."

He pointed to an array. "Kind of like these?"

They were shiny, put on display. "Kind of!"

"Well every man needs more than one watch."

I frowned. "They do?"

"Especially a gold one."

"Oh. Okay. Can I have one of those please?"

"You can't have it but you can buy one."

"I have this." I told him holding out the card.

"Platinum," he commented. "Your Dom must trust you."

I shrugged and he rung it up. I didn't catch the price but took the card back and the bag. "Thank you." I beamed.

"Stay safe out there cutie." He replied.

I left that store and looked for another. Buying things was exhilarating. The next place was full of candy! Scott ate candy sometimes--especially chocolate. I bought him a box of fifty truffles. The lady said they were all handmade and delicious.

I looked at the clock and found that I still had twenty minutes.

I went back to my bench to wait.


At home I wrapped the gifts and hid them in my closet.

Downstairs Gretchen was playing with Kingsley. He could sit up now and was always making loud noises. Scott greeted with a smile. "All done?"


He picked up his mug. "You don't have coffee at night."

"You're right. Melissa and Yula made eggnog and dropped if off while we were gone."

"Can I try some?"

"It's alcoholic Puppy. I don't know if you'll like it."

"Please Scott?"

He sighed and smiled. "Alright."

I took the mug in two hands--the trick to using real cups was just keeping a good grip.

The eggnog was thick, creamy, and sweet with a sharp bitter after hit. "I like it!"

Dairy products were still new but they didn't make me sick anymore. It was more of a texture and taste thing at this point. But this I liked. "I can get you a cup if you want?"

"I want." I agreed.

Scott got up and I took over his spot, drinking out of the mug. "Pace yourself," Gretchen laughed from the floor.

"I will." I promised.

The mug was empty far quicker than I would have liked and I wondered what was taking Scott so long. I poked my head into the kitchen to find Scott wasn't there. "Gretchen? Did Scott leave?"

"No idea Puppy. Sorry."

The door opened and Scott paused putting something behind his back. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Looking for you!"

"Well I'm fine. And I'll get you your eggnog. Go see if you can help Gretchen." He winked at me and I nodded.

"Do you need any help?" I dutifully asked her.

She looked up at me. "Hm... Do you think you could grab Kingsley's pacifier? It's clipped on his crib."


When I returned Scott had a blue and gray clay mug on the table as he peered in his own. "Here you go."

"Did you finish this Puppy?" Scott asked holding up the mug.



"Okay maybe. But it's really good!"

"Next time just be honest silly boy. Sit down--I have something to tell you."

"Am I in trouble?"

"You should be. But I have good news."

"You do?"

"Bailey woke up."

I gasped. "What? Really? Is he okay?"

"He's alive Puppy. That's all that matters." He replied. "We're going to see him tomorrow morning."

I was so excited I couldn't help but jump up and hug him. "Thank you so much!"

Scott rubbed my back and laughed a bit. "Calm down," he replied.

I was so happy I thought I'd start crying. Instead I drank my eggnog. "Easy," laughed Scott.

I giggled, my head buzzing a bit. "Bailey is going to be okay!" I cried. "And he'll be be back for Christmas! Does that mean Kyle's coming back?"

"I don't think so." Scott said quietly. "But hopefully Bailey will be able to stay here for Christmas."

"Me too." I agreed. "Can I have more? Pretty please?"

"Alright. But just a bit."


"I feel awful."

Scott rubbed my back. "That's on me. I shouldn't have let you drink so much. Do you think you're going to be sick again?"

I rested my head against the wall. "I don't know."

"I assume drinking isn't for you?" Scott asked.

"No." I groaned. "Can you make me feel better?"

"In my forty ought years I've yet to find a hangover cure, buddy. I'm sorry." He sighed. "I'm going to call Brune and let him know we won't be coming."

"No! I have to! I'll be good."

"You're sick Puppy. You'll be miserable."

"But I'll be at a hospital. That's the best place to be sick." I insisted.

Scott sighed. "I really don't feel good about this but I know how much you've missed Bailey."

I forced a smile. My stomach rolled but I fought it. "Thank you Scott!"

"Go get dressed."

QOTC: What do you think Bailey will be like?
150 comments (with no spamming 😂) and 150 votes and I'll update tomorrow.

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