Chapter Twenty Six - Birthday Shopping

Start from the beginning

''Dude, sorry I was just asking.''

''Take that as a no then.'' Zack mumbled under his breath.

I ignored him and grumpily pulled my kit out of my bag, quickly stripping and changing into my hockey gear.

Craig, Liam and Zack, as well as everyone else on our team were almost finished if not already.

Clearly, I had to be quick.

Coach walked in, his usual grumpy expression as he held his clip board in his hand.

''Davis! Why are you so late?'' he demanded.

''Sorry coach.'' I mumbled, pulling on the last of my padded clothing and sitting down to slide on my skates.

I was hardly going to tell him why I was late.

Yeah, I could just see how that conversation would have gone.

''Sorry coach, I'm late for practise 'cause I was making out with my girlfriend in my car.''

Don't think so.

I felt a shift in my pants as I remembered and instantly regretted bringing Rosie up in my head.

I really need to learn to stop getting boners every time I think about her.

But I can't help it.

I mean I haven't had sex in forever, and Rosie's just kinda there...with her cute little blush...all sexy like.

And then I get flashbacks of her perfect little body from when I walked in on her and....

Oh god.

I really needed a shower.

A cold one.

Coach blew his whistle as we all skated out onto the ice and circled a few times to get used to the flow again.

Not that we needed it, but it was just kind of a routine.

We rounded up again in the middle, split off into our two teams and the games began.

As per usual, play full remarks were made between friends as we competed together for practice, and more than one red card's were earned from the odd tackle-gone-too-far, but nobody took it to heart.

''Fuck.'' I mumbled through my mouth guard, sounding funny and coming out more like 'Fook', as Craig slammed me to the ground.

He grinned down at me evilly before jumping back up again once his team had stolen the puck.

Craig was an ass.

I laughed it off and skated up to the other end again, marking Lewis who had the puck.

Just as I got the puck out of his reach, coach blew his whistle to signal the end of the game at the same time as I smacked the puck as hard as I could, sending it gliding strait across the ice and into the goal where an unsuspecting Liam stood completely dumbfounded.

I smirked at him triumphantly, not that he could see though from the other side of the rink and through the helmets, but considering how well he knows me, I'm sure it wasn't hard for him to guess that I was smirking.

Easily breezing off the ice, I pulled off my helmet and walked through to the changing rooms as everyone else followed, and I soon stripped off the extremely heavy and now sweaty gear to go and shower.

I stepped into a cubical and took of the last of my clothes, letting the cold water splash down around me.

After making sure I was clean and felt a lot better after the exercise, I wrapped a towel 'round and stepped back out as a few others did.

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