Maybe We Deserved It

Start from the beginning

"Probably just a deader," Balz said after a moment, lifting my bat away from the wall by the entryway, slowly creeping to the door. "I got it."

"Kelsey!?" Chris voice sounded a little frantic, and I cringed, quickly lifting the radio up so I could talk.

"Er, yeah, sorry," I burst, holding the radio button hastily. "Just a deader outside, got distracted. So, um, you guys be careful, all right? Be back tomorrow, or I swear to god I'll come out there and kick all of your asses."

"Yes, ma'am," Chris chuckled, and it sounded like he started to say something else, but then Kuza was talking, reminding us to lock the house and be careful, that someone should stay up and keep guard, just in case.

"Gotcha," I told them, and then tossed the radio on the table a little harder then I'd meant too.

I stepped to the windows, peering out at Balz where he'd stepped off the porch, dragging the corpse behind him out into the yard. I relaxed slightly, relieved that it really had just been a deader.

And there was really an easier way to drag a corpse then how he was doing it.

And for a minute, I'd worried it had been a trick or something. I was a little paranoid, I guess, that perhaps those men were here after all, that they were pretending to be a deader just to lure us out of the house in the dark....

That hospital had ruined me.

I watched as Balz let the corpse drop in the gravel driveway, then started back onto the porch, whistling as he swung the bat around. He trotted back into the house, and I locked the door behind him before turning to the keypad, typing in the code and locking the house down like Kuza had said.

He wasnt a complete idiot, he did have some good points, I suppose.

"I'll take the first watch," I offered with a sigh, knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. "You guys can relax."

"Fine, I'll switch with you about two," Balz informed me, stretching tired muscles, the bat once again leaning against the wall, some gore on the end of it he really could have cleaned off in advance before dragging it through the house.

I sighed, but didn’t grouch, just let it go.

It was going to be a long night.

It was like three AM and Balz had yet to relieve me of my watch, not that I minded all that much; I was wide awake and I doubted I would be sleeping any time soon.


I glanced at the radio sitting nonchalantly on the coffee table, the house quiet except for the occasional rattle of pipes. I could hear someone snoring from upstairs, and the sporadic whimpers from Kera where she basically cowered in my parents old bedroom.

She'd been here a couple days and she hadn't come out, spoken to the rest of us --- Kylie was the only one who could do anything with her.

I had no idea what we were going to do with her in the long run. She was basically useless, a quivering mess with nowhere else to go, so apparently we were going to have to take care of her.


And we were going to need to get a lot more supplies then what we had too. The city was an issue, considering we were enemies with Kuza's old group now, and Ryan had eaten their doctor and we'd basically take away their chance at continued life if any of them were bit.

I wasn’t sure about Sadi's group, but they had tried to kill us on the highway without even knowing who we were, so I doubted they were good people to begin with.

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