We Cant Keep Focusing on the Things We've Lost

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"What do you miss the most?" Ricky asked, his arms wrapped around his knees as he gazed into our makeshift fire pit.

"The Internet," I sighed, leaning back on my elbows, my hands still pretty damaged. "Youtube. Music."

"Air conditioning," Balz grunted, flat on his back as he stared at the sky.



I glanced over at him. Was that his girlfriend or something?

"I miss Jess," Ricky said after a moment. "I just... Wish we could've found them. Maybe if we hadn't waited ---."

"It doesn't matter now," Chris interrupted him. "We can't keep focusing on the things we've lost if we ever intend on surviving."

"Don't act like you don't miss shit from them," Balz told him. "We all know you loved your car before that ambulance fell on it."

Chris winced at the memory.

"Your car? Really?" I snorted.

"Can we not talk about cars?" Devin frowned at all of us. "We need to make a plan. What if we get to Kelseys cabin and someone is already there, or its been burned down?"

"We kick their ass out," Ryan stated. "Easy. And then we'll just find a different place. You had neighbors, right?"

I nodded.

"Then we'll take their place."

"And what if one of us becomes ill?" Devin challenged. "I know this cabin isn't far, but if one of us gets bit or gets sick, we'll need a plan as well. We can't keep winging it forever."

"Why not? It's worked so far," Balz retorted.

"Not for all of us," Ricky said softly, and the guys sort of hushed, as if remembering a memory they all shared of losing someone.

I shifted uncomfortably.

.This was getting dark.

"I figured you missed the fame," I said after a moment, wanting to lighten the moment. "All the hot girls and getting to see the U.S. It had to be fun."

"It was," Balz smirked, his head pillowed on its arms. "I loved it."

"Best years ever," Ricky agreed, chuckling. "So many tits."

I rolled my eyes.

"Shh! Did you hear that?" Chris suddenly hissed, and we all quieted instantly.

I jumped to my feet.

"Hide!" I hissed, and we all scrambled.

Ricky and Ryan rolled under one of the parked cars, Devin diving into the one we were driving, and Balz and Chris headed for one of the trees. I followed them, climbing up into one of the high branches and clinging to the trunk.

We watched as a horde staggered through, going right through the center of the fire, lighting up like kindling.

I swallowed, seeing how many there was.

There was a sudden cracking sound, and a yelp, and my head jerked over.

Chris shouted.

Balz hit the ground, his branch breaking.

Oh no!

The horde turned at the sound.

"Balz!" Chris hissed, but his friend didn't move from the ground. "Balz!"

I glanced forward, seeing one of the deaders getting closer, missing its eyes.

Chris abruptly dropped to the ground, whistling shrilly, catching all of their attention.

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