Chapter 15

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Chanyeol POV

"Baekhyun-ah, wake up." I said sweetly as I tried to wake him up. But he had no response. 

"Baekkie~" I sang but he still didn't move. I climbed onto his bed and shake him, not to hard of course. How can I bear to hurt him. Haha. Then, the next thing I new was my butt was on the floor. Ouch!

Aish! Why does he always kick me off the bed when I try to wake him up.

Ok, last try. " Byun Baekhyun! Wake up now!" I tried sound angry but to no avail.

"Fine! You don't wanna wake up right? I just wanted to take you out on a date but now I should go find someone else. Bye~ enjoy your sleep." I said sarcastically.

At that moment, he immediately sat up straight and looked at me smiled innocently, blinking his eyes at me. "You're going to bring me on a date?" He asked me.

Oh god, his eyes and smile. It was killing me. No Chanyeol, resist it. "At first yes but now...... Nope!" I said smiling back at him.

He then gave me puppy eyes and did aegyo. "Pwease Yoellie~" He sang sweetly. Oh god, I think I just dieded. I cannot resist this cute little guy in front of me. I surrender!

"Urgh! Fine! You know I can't resist your aegyo!" I gave up! He smiled brightly at me. He got off the bed and hugged me. "Yay! I love you Yeollie!"

I flushed at the nickname he gave me. "Yah, what's up with the nickname?"

He chuckled. "Just wanted to give you a nickname. It sounds cute right?" I nodded my head.

"And I have a few for you too! Urmm... Channie.... Yeollie..... My happy virus...." Baekhyun listed out.

I chuckled. "That's enough. They all sound sooo cute! Like you!"

"Yah! Don't be so chessy." Baekhyun said, pretending to be disgusted.

"But I know you like it! Right?" I said playfully.

He smacked my arm and said," Yah! Stop fooling around. Let's get ready first!" Then he went into the bathroom. I smiled to myself. How lucky am I to get such a cute boyfriend.


"So, where do you wanna go?" Baekhyun asked. Oh yea, I only thought about going out with him but I didn't think about where we should go. Well, it's my first time dating.

"Urmm.... Actually, I don't know. Haven't thought about that." I said apologetically, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Bwo?! You didn't think about where to go?! Omg, Chanyeol, is this the first time you are going out for a date?" Baekhyun teased and laughed.

"Actually yea. You are my first boyfriend. I have never been in a relationship before." I admitted.

"Oh." Baekhyun immediately stopped laughing.

"That's alright. You can always learn." He said and smiled.

I nodded my head. "Where do you think we should go?" I asked.

"Hmm.... Let's not go to the theme park since we already went there together before. Strolling in the park is romantic but boring. Let's go laser tag or we can also go ice skating!" Baekhyun suggested. I have never been to those places before but I had always wanted to go there when I was a kid.

"Can we go to both??" I asked excitedly. Baekhyun chuckled and nodded his head.

"Then.... Let's go!!" I said and we grabbed our stuff and headed out.

Baekhyun POV

We went to play lazer tag first. I decided to pay for Chanyeol but he rejected. "Aww... Come on. I can pay for this and you can pay for the ice skating. Pwease Channie." I did aegyo. I kmew he couldn't resist my aegyo. He rolled his eyes and gave in. I wanted to pay for lazer tag as it was very expensive amd I knew Chanyeol wouldn't have spent money on these stuff if not for me.

"Urm... baek? How do we play?" Chanyeol asked. I took the sensor headband and helped him put it on before handing him the lazer tag gun. I then explain the rules.

"Oh! I am gonna win you!" Chanyeol spunded confident.

"Hmph! We'll see about that! Why not the one who lose pays for dinner?" I suggested.

"Well ok! Bring it on!" Chanyeol said.

<skips the whole process>

"Urgh! I can't believe I lost to you!" I whined. It turns out that Chanyeol was really good at this. Chanyeol just laughed.

"Just pay for dinner tonight." Chanyeol said proudly. I pouted.

"Aww... Don't pout. But you still look cute anyways." Chanyeol said and pinched my cheeks.

"Yah! Don't do that to my precious cheeks!" I slapped his hand away, softly of course.

"Come on, let's go ice skating!" I said and Chanyeol nodded his head excitedly and followed me.


"Yah! Byun Baekhyun! Help me up! Yah!" Chanyeol screamed as I ignored him and skate past him. Since it was his first time, he kept falling.

After skating one round, which was really fast since I was very experienced, Chanyeol was still struggling to stand up. I laughed amd went to help him.

"Yah, you finally decided to help me huh?" He pretended to look hurt.

"Yea, I could let my yoellie sitting on ice right?" I played along with him. Finally, he smiled.

"Come on, I'll teach you." I said and grabbed his hands. He was really a fast learner.


" Where should we go for dinner?" I asled Chanyeol.

"Hmm... I know a place that has really good food. Come on." He said and dragged me along.

Once we reached, we quickly ordered since we were famished. Soon, the food came.

"Wah! It smells so good!" I said and began eating. It was really delicious! I was eating really quickly and I saw Chanyeol staring at me.

"Yah! I know I am handsome but can you not stare at me. Your food is going to turn cold." I said and he laughed before he began eating.

After eating, we went back to the dorm. By then, we were all very tired already. We fell asleep really quickly.

I have to say that this was probably the best day ever with Chanyeol.

Done! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comments please!

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