Chapter 14

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OH MY GODDDD!!! I find Baekhyun soooo cuteeee in this scene!!! (Media) Ahhhhhh!!! I think I just dieded XD
RIP me      anyways here's chapter 14

Baekhyun POV

"Fine! You wanna know? This is because I...." Should I really tell him? I want to be I wouldn't forgive myself if I really ruin their frienship. Maybe I should just come up with a random excuse. But what excuse will make him fall for it?

"I.... Forget it. Just go back to her. Don't mind me." I said and turn to leave. I shook my head off from his grip and closed my eyes to let all my tears fall. I don't want to ruin your relationship. You will stay in my heart forever.

As I walked, I suddenly felt someone back hugging me, stopping me from walking.

"No. Stay here with me." The deep voice that I liked said. I shook my head.

"Just go." I said trying not to sound hurt.

"Baekhyun, I am not leaving you. I love you. Stay with me. It hurts to see you so distant and cold towards me. Please, don't push me away anymore." Chanyeol said. I could tell that he was very hurt and was crying. Did he just say he love me? Aniya, what about his girlfriend?

"Chanyeol, just go back to your girlfriend. You probably only like me as a friend. Don't get confused." I said to him, trying to break free from his hug.

"G-girlfriend?" Chanyeol asked in confusion.

"Yea. That girl I met in the mall. Isn't she your girlfriend?" I asked. Unless it isn't..... Nah, I don't think so.

"She isn't my girlfriend. She's my sister! Did you misunderstand all this while. That's why you were so cold to me because you are jealous?" Chanyeol asked, while drying his tears.

"Wait what?! She isn't your girlfriend?" I stared at him in shock. So I have been in misery for nothing.

"Nae. She isn't my girlfriend so Byun Baekhyun, would you be my boyfriend?" Chanyeol suddenly said. My eyes widened. He was serious about loving me? Omg, what the hell is happening right now.

"I... Of course!" I said excitedly and hugged him when I finally digested everything that was going on.

Chanyeol chuckled. "That took you long enough." He teased. I smacked his arm. "Yah! Don't make fun of me."

He laughed. "Were you really jealous of my sister?" He asked. My eyes widened. Oh god, why did he even ask that?

"A-aniya. I...urr...I just wanted to let you spent time with her since you seemed so happy when you saw her." I randomly came up with an excuse. I know it was lame and Chanyeol wouldn't believe it but who cares.

"Wait, you already seen her when she first came to our school?!" Chanyeol asked in shock. I nodded my head.

"Fine, I am going to admit, I was jealous ok? That day, I was going to confess to you but then when I was going to call your name, your sister already called you. Since I have never seen her before, and you went up to hug her, I thought she was your girlfriend. Since then, I was very heartbroken and stayed away from you so that I could get over you but then it seemed harder then getting over Taeyeon." I confessed everything. He looked at me, speechless. Then he hugged me.

"Aigoo, my poor Baekkie. Don't worry, I only love you!" Chanyeol said cheerfully. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Don't you dare leave me. I don't want to experience another heartbreak like what Taeyeon did to me. That was the reason why I told myself not to fall in love and refused to love you." I said as I remembered how Taeyeon treated me.

"Baekhyun-ah, I promise I will never leave you alright?" Chanyeol said sweetly.

"But you realize that I still have that stupid marriage thingy. And my parents, they will never allow us to be together. Especially my father, he will do anything to get what he wants. I am scared something will happen to you Chanyeol." I told him everything. He just smiled and lifted my chin.

"Listen to me Baekhyun, we are going to face everything together alright. Now stop worrying and give me a smile." He said, smiling. I naturally smile once I saw his smile. One reason why I liked him. Hehe.

This chapter is a little shorter then usual. Yay! Chanyeol and Baekhyun are finally together!! Go Chanbaek!! Hope you guys enjoyed the story. I might take some time before updating the next few chapters since my exams are coming. Hope you guys will continue to support my story! Thanks 💞

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