Chapter 3

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Baekhyun POV

"Thanks!" I said to the driver. He helped me unload my luggage from the car. I have a lot of clothes. I was finally moving into the school dorm! I was very excited to knowing who my roommate was. I was very nervous. I hope I can get along with him well.

"Hmmm.... Room 348. Oh! There's the room!" I cried in joy when I found it. I slowly opened the door and peeked in. The lights were on so I guess my roommate is around.

"Urm.... Hello? Anyone here?" I asked. Wow, the room was bigger then I imagined but still not bigger than my room of course. Ok, I am not bragging.

"Huh? Baekhyun?" I heard a voice behind me as I was looking around. I spun around and saw Chanyeol.

"Oh! You stay here?!" I asked in shock. He nodded his head and looked at me confused.

"Ahhh! I am your new roommate! Hope we get along well!" I smiled widely at him.

"Yeah!" He said cheerfully and smiled back. Seems like we are really going to get along well.

Chanyeol POV

I was shocked when I saw Baekhyun in the dorm. He was my new roommate?! I just felt happy for no reason. I have always wanted to know him more.


"Yah! Baekhyun, it's time to wake up!" I shouted at him but he didn't even move. His alarm has been ringing for quite some time.

I was trying to wake him up and even climbed onto his bed to smacl him. But he just flipped over and kicked me off the bed.

"Ahh! Yah! Byun Baekhyun, I don't care about you anymore!" I screamed at him. How could he not wake up. After saying that, Baekhyun slowly woke up.

"Huh? What just happened?" He asked innocently while rubbing his eyes. He looked really cute and I couldn't stay angry at him for long.

"You! Kicked me off the bed when I tried to wake you up. Hmph! I'm going to ignore you next time!" I said as I pouted.

"Omg! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Baekhyun asked me comcernedly. I burst out laughing at his reaction.

"Yah! Don't look so serious. But seriously, how can you be so small yet have so much strength to kick me off the bed?" I said teasingly.

"Don't underestimate me. I can do hapkido." Baekhyun said while sticking out his tongue. I looked at him in awe.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Go wash up before you are late for classes." I said and pushed him into the toilet.


No one POV

Chanyeol was walking with Baekhyun to classes amd were chatting happily.

"Baek!" Kyunsoo called Baekhyun. Baekhyun turned and waved to him. Kyungsoo jogged over and joined our conversation. Urm yeah, I kinda somehow became close with them. Probably because I was always happy and could get along with people easily.

"Kyungsoo guess what? We're roommates!" Baekhyun said excitedly.

"Jinja?!" Kyungsoo's eyes widened then he pouted. "Hmph! Not fair!"

"Too bad Kyungsoo." Chanyeol teased him.

"Chanyeol!" A voice out from behind.

"Hi!" Chanyeol waved at Sehun. Sehun walked over to Chanyeol. "Oh! Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, this Sehun. Sehun, this is Baekhyun amd Kyungsoo." Chanyeol introduced them to each other.

"Oh! Hi Sehun!" Baekhyun said cheerfully while Kyungsoo just smiled at Sehun.

"How did you get to know him? I mean its your first few days in school and his a junior right?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

"Oh! Sehun is my childhood friend and we weren't in contact for a few years. But then I was walking to school and accidentally bumped into him." Chanyeol explained.

"Oh! You guys are really lucky huh?" Baekhyun said as he chuckled while Chanyeol and Sehun nodded.

"Wait, where's Kai? I thought he was always with you." Chanyeol asked Sehun. Baekhyun looled at Kyungsoo immediately and smirked at him while Kyungsoo's eyes widened.

"Oh Kai? You see that guy there? Yeah, that's Kai." Sehun said while pointing behind. Kyungsoo immediately turn amd looked behind.

"Why is he wearing a cap and lowering his head? Is he trying to act cool?" Chanyeol asked with a frown.

"Aniya, it's just because he is very shy and doesn't want Kyungsoo to see him." Sehun whispered to Chanyeol. On the other hand, Baekhyun was whispering to Kyungsoo," Yah, isn't he the guy you like?" Kyungsoo's face was turning very red.

"Yah! Kai, come join us!" Chanyeol called out to Kai. He looked up in shock amd glared at Chanyeol before walking over. He gave a sloght smile at Baekhyun but avoided eye contact wihh Kyungsoo amd Kyungsoo was doing the same thing.

"Ok, so this is Kai." Chanyeol introduced him to Baekhyun amd Kyungsoo. "So now everyone are friends?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes of course! I like making new friends. It's better than making enemies right?"Baekhyun said cheerfully.

"Hmm....Baekhyun, are you alright is we do a movie night tonight? I mean we can spend time together amd become closer right? And today is Friday amyway." Chanyeol suggested.

"Omg Chanyeol, that is a perfect idea. Let's do it in our dorm! Is everyone ok with it?" Baekhyun asked excitedly.

"Actually....I....Urmm..." Kai stuttered. "Yeah! Of course it's alright for us! Kai and I will be there!" Sehun amswered for Kai. Kai's eyes widened as he stared at Sehun but Sehun ignored him.

"Yay! Ok then let's meet at 9pm at our dorm!"Baekhyun finalised everything. Everyone nodded their head and left for classes.

So chapter 3 will end here. Urghhhh. I am having writer's block right now. Forgive me if the story is really crappy. I will try to update when I can but I am getting really busy so I hope you guys can understand. Thanks for reading!

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