Chapter 5

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Chanyeol POV

After everyone left, I was the only one who cleared everything. Baekhyun was following me around very close, shivering. He was very scared. I couldn't help but laugh internally. He is really cute when he looks so scared.

"Yah, go sleep already. Good night and sweet dreams!" I said teasingly. He pouted but still walked to his bed. I smiled and walled to my bed.

After a while, I heard Baekhyun calling me. "C-chanyeol? Are....Are you still awake?" I could tell that his voice was shivering. I wanted to pretend that I didn't hear him but I heard him sniffled.

"Urm... Yeah why?" I answered him.

"C-can I sleep with you? I am really scared. Please Chanyeol." He begged.

"Yeah ok." I replied him. I chuckled, he is seriously very cuteeee!! Ok nevermind. He climbed onto my bed and lied down.

"Thanks Chanyeol. I'll repay you someday." He said.

"Nah, it's kinda my fault. I wanted to watch the movie." I told him. I could feel my heart beating and my stomach fluttering again! Urgh! What is this feeling?

Baekhyun POV

I climbed into Chanyeol's bed and laid down. I was feeling really scared and had no choice but to squeeze with him.

I was going to fall asleep when I felt a hand resting on me. Chanyeol was hugging me! I turned my head and saw him sleeping soundly. I stared at his flawless face. He looked so peaceful when sleeping. Oh and really handsome and cute. He tightened his grip around me. My eyes widened. My heart palpitated wildly against my ribcage. What was this feeling in my stomach? It felt weird. It felt like when I was in love with Taeyeon. Am I in love with him? Nooo it can't be. Maybe I am just thinking too much. I shook that thought away and just went to sleep.


"Baek? Baekhyun? Time to wake up!" I heard someone talking into my ears.

"Hmm?" I ask as I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed it.

"Yah! Wake up already!" Chanyeol shouted at me.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol, it's a Saturday! Let me sleep!" I whined to him.

"No sleeping! Get up and go do your homework!" He nagged. Urgh! I never knew he was so naggy. I groaned as I got up from the bed and grabbed a random clothes nearby before going into the toilet. I was literally half asleep as I brushed my teeth.

I wore the random clothes and went out of the toilet. Why does this clothes feel so loose? Whatever, who cares.

"Wow, nice collarbones!" Chanyeol smirked as he said that. Huh? What is he talking about? I looled down and realised that I was wearing his clothes. My eyes widened and I took my clothes before rushing into the toilet to change out of the loose clothes. Omg! That was seriously embarrassing! Urgh!

I walked out and saw Chanyeol making breakfast. "Urm....Chanyeol? Forget what you saw just now." I said, lowering my head, avoiding eye contact.

"Hahaha! But it was really funny!" Chanyeol laughed. Seems like he wouldn't stop teasin me huh?

"Park Chanyeol! If you say this one more time, I'll kill you!" I threatened him. He stopped laughing immediately and went back to making breakfast. Wow, that actually worked. Yay! One point for me!

"Here's your breakfast! Try it!" Chanyeol said as he placed the plate in front of me. I nodded and looked at it. He had made pancakes! Yay! It looked really delicious but was it going to be nice? I took and bite.

"How is it?" Chanyeol asked eagerly.

"Hmmm..... It is very delicious! I didn't know you could cook!"

"Jinja?! Then eat more!" Chanyeol said smiling. I nodded my head and continued eating.

"Chanyeol, do you wanna go out?" I asked him. I didn't feel like doing my homework or revising.

"Go out? What about homework?" He asked

"Urgh, don't be a nerd. We can always do it tomorrow. Come on." I whined. How can he always think of studying?

"Hmm... Alright then." He finally surrendered.

"Yay!" I cheered.

"But where do you want to go?" He asked me.

"Ohhh! Let's go to tbe theme park near my house!" I suggested.

"Where is the theme park? Is it far from the dorm?" He asked concernedly.

"Urmm... Yeah. Kinda. But thats ok. You can come to stay at my house! Nobody is at home. My family are all overseas so you can stay in the guest room!" I said excitedly. I can't wait to show him my house.

Still not very interesting. But please keep reading!

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