22. Jordan & Abby

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I knock on the door of Daniel's house. It's a really nice house and I hate that this is my first time seeing it. That just goes to show how bad we fell off in the past few years. I look over at Alyssa to see her looking around, her hands shaking from nerves. If she passes out, I promise I will tease her about it for the rest of her life.

"Will you calm down?" I say, right as the door opens to his house.

I take in his appearance and I almost cringe when I see him. He's lost a lot of weight; his cheeks are sunken in and his clothes look a little baggy. His hair is starting to grow out and it looks really greasy as if he hasn't washed it in a while. I feel guilty for letting my friend get like this. His eyes land on Alyssa and his whole demeanour changes.

"What the hell is she doing here?" He asks, glaring at her.

"We come in peace. I came to check on you and she came to talk to you." I explain.

He turns his attention back to me, "I'm fine."

"You could have at least perked up a little if you wanted me to believe that. You look like shit." I say.

"You're a fine one to be talking." He retorts.

"Well, you look worse than me. I haven't dropped a bunch of weight in a matter of three weeks. When's the last time you ate properly?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes, sighing. "Just come in. I don't want my neighbours hearing my business."

We both step in and I wish that we could have stayed outside. It smells horrible in here and looks even worse. It's dark in here, curtains covering every window, preventing light from coming in. Trash is scattered everywhere, but more importantly, I see beer bottles and other alcohol bottles everywhere. 

He plops down in his recliner, not even apologizing for the mess. I watch as Alyssa goes over to the curtains, opening them up.

Daniel's hand immediately goes to cover his eyes from the light. "What the fuck, Alyssa?" He yells.

She opens another, not caring that he obviously disagrees with what she's doing. "I will not let you sit here and wallow in self pity. You're going to drink yourself to death."

He lets out a quick small laugh, "As if you care. Go see how Troy's doing. I know that's where you'd rather be. But just a little advice, after he gets bored with you, he's going to drop you, so I wouldn't fall too deep in love with him."

"Daniel, don't be a dick." I say.

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever, and stop opening the curtains! My eyes hurt!"

She walks angrily over to him, swatting his hand away from his eyes. "You know why your eyes hurt, because you've been sitting in the dark for days. They should hurt! Stop acting like your dad is already dead. He's still here and the time you have left with him, you should be making the most of it. Instead, you're sitting here drinking away the days. I'm sorry that I went and got with one of your best friends, but we haven't dated in years. I care for you as a friend, but not in that way anymore. Your friends are here for you, and that's all that should matter right now. I know you're going through it, so let us help you."

They're staring at each other in the eyes, and I wonder which one will break first. Daniel is still glaring at her, but his eyes are starting to water. She's gotten to him. If anyone can get to someone, it's Alyssa.

"You don't understand what I'm going through! He's dying! How am I supposed to pretend that's not happening?" He cries, his voice cracking.

"Then let us take some of that load off." She places her hand on his shoulder, giving him a little smile.

Six Years After The BetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz