Harry swallowed and then looked at Robin thoughtfully, why was he so determined to find Donnie? Not like he didn't want to, but someone deep inside him he just knew something bad was going to happen if they found that kid, most likely laying on the ground covered in his own blood...

He shook his head, going still before slowly moving his arm to set his sandwich down on his plate, crushing it into a ball and throwing it away.

The red head looked over as Robin busied himself with tiding things up, though it was in vain, the bed had been made, twice now, the kitchen had been cleaned and was currently being cleaned again, let's not even start with the bathroom...

Harry sighed and stood up, stretching as he reached for his shirt and pants, no he wasn't only wearing a tee, he had on boxers, he pulled on his clothes and walked towards the small kitchen area.

"Robin, maybe it's time to stop cleaning, why don't we go out into town before you start work?" He said and tapped his friends shoulder, making him stop cleaning the near to sparkling counter top.

Robin tilted his head, then he smiled brightly "okay, that sounds nice." He said and went to go grab his shoes and wallet from by the door, Harry following, fixing his long sleeve turtle neck and jeans carefully as he slipped on his sneakers.

Robin opened the door and waited for him as he followed a bit slower, they made their way downstairs, and outside quietly.

Harry watched Robin quietly as they walked into the town, the streets not too terribly busy this time of the day.

Robin trailed behind a little bit as he stared at the signs of all the shops and restaurants and Cafés.

He looked down from the signs and looked at Harry, his back facing him as they walked, Robin was about to ask if he wanted to do anything, but he got a bit distracted as he watched his friends shoulders move and shift, and his long hair sway back and forth.

Robin shook his head and blinked a few times, looking down and stopping as he tried to remember what he was going to ask, Harry noticed that his friend wasn't following and he stopped, turning around quietly "you okay Robin?.." He asked.

Robin jumped and looked at him "hm? Oh, yes! Sorry, I just forgot what I was going to say is all..." He smiled and Harry raised an eyebrow "okay?.." And turned to start walking again as Robin caught up.

Harry sighed slightly as he also looked at all the signs along the street, he looked at one of the signs "hm....'Butch's Grill & Bar'?..." He whispered and Robin looked at him "Harry, we just ate." He frowned.

Harry looked at him "yeah but some drinks sound good right now.." He sighed wistfully "Harry! it's not even 11:30 in the morning!!" Robin said.

Harry smiled slightly "come on Robin, it's the afternoon somewhere." He said and walked in, Making Robin sigh and walk in after him quickly.

As Harry sat down at the bar, he looked around, the place looked decently empty right now, save for what looked like a group of friends at a booth across the room, he looked back up as the bar tender came up to him.

Robin dat down beside him "w-wait up next time please!" The little male puffed and looked up at the bar tender with a small smile, the bartender had green hair, a thick strip of a bright yellow hung over his face, he cracked a smile and chuckled deeply, the chuckle catching robins attention.

It sounded so familiar.

"What can I do you gentlemen for this lovely day?" The man asked, Harry hummed "Just a beer is fine, thanks."

Robin fidgeted nervously "U...Um.....ill just have some water please..." He smiled weakly, Harry looked at him and hummed as the bartender nodded "coming right up!" He said before walking away to get the drinks.

Harry looked at him in confusion "Robin?...what's wrong?.." He asked then jumped a little when Robin gripped the sleeve of his shirt, practically hugging his arm "H-Harry we need to go.." He whispered

Harry frowned "Why? What's up, is there something I missed?" He asked and Robin looked around worriedly "P-Please lets just go-"

Robin stiffened when a gloved hand rested on his shoulder, and One on Harry's made the red head grunt and look at it in confusion.

"Awww, leaving so soon? Little buddy?"

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