She hates you

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"Hey." Melissa calls flagging us down.

"Hey." Stiles says approaching her.

"Over here. And if you tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to God, I will kill you painfully and slowly." Melissa threatened as she leads us into the morgue.

"Why are you showing us a body we've already seen?" I question as she pulls the sheet back on the lifeguards body.

"Because you haven't seen everything. See this around his neck?" She points out the purplish mark around it. "That's a ligature mark. That means that he was strangled with something, like cord, rope..."

"ah, okay, wait a second. What kind of werewolf strangles someone? You know, that's not very werewolf-y." Stiles questions looking at me.

"Maybe a weak one? An omega maybe?" I offer up.

"And then there's this." She shows us the back of his head which almost made me want to throw up.

"God, man, what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter, of course." Stiles grumbles looking sick.

"See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead." Melissa explains.

"Ok well this is good. Cora and Boyd wouldn't have done this.. It would've been much worse probably." I say slightly relived.

"So maybe this is just one murder. I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence." Stiles offers up.

"I don't think it was just one." Melissa grimaces.

"And why's that?" I ask not really knowing if I want to know the answer.

"Because that girl over there," she points to another body. "she's got the exact same injuries. The M.E. said this one wasn't just strangled. Whoever did it used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kind of keep twisting," Melissa threw the sheet back leaving me and Stiles in shock. "and... Stiles? Oh, my God, did you know her? I'm so sorry. I didn't even think."

Turning slowly I look at Stiles, pain and confusion was all across his face. My face on the other hand wore a different look, anger. I don't know why I got so angry but seeing his face look all hurt, it just made mad. I know they were friends before but still.

"I was... I was at her party. It was her birthday. Her name is Heather." Stiles mumbles out.

"I'm sorry I can't. I've gotta go." I say before rushing out of the room. Walking down the hospital hallway I groan pulling out my phone.

"Well well well what can I do for niece?" Peter answers.

"Can you come pick me up from the hospital." I ask regretfully.

"And why are you at the hospital?" He ask though I can hear the keys rattling in the background.

"I can here with Stiles. Look I just want to get home and I'm pissed at him so will you come get me." I say kind of hateful.

"Calm down I'm on the way." Peter says before hanging up.
After getting picked up by Peter I went up to my room and sat down flipping on the tv. I must have ended up falling asleep sometime durning that though because I am scared awake by my phone going off beside me.

"Hello?" I ask raspy not even looking at the caller ID.

"So we might have a problem... Big big problem." Stiles voice rings on the other side.

"Look as long as Cora and Boyd aren't killing people right now I think I should get a night of worry free sleep." I  groan.

"You're gonna wish they did." Stiles says.

"Why? What happened." I ask sitting up.

"I'm not exactly sure yet. the other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather... That guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins... And they're all gonna have the same three injuries... strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death." Stiles explains. I can hear panic and worry in his voice.

"What so you're say these aren't random?" I ask cautiously.

"Sacrifices Devin. Human sacrifices."
*Stiles POV*

"I looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away. Left his car, his dog." Scott says as we are in the locker room.

"Okay. Was he, like... could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?" I ask slightly panicking.

"No, definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy." Scott sarcastically spouts off. It's obvious Devin and I are rubbing off on him. "No, I don't know if he was a virgin. And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott. And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life. Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!" I yell frantically waving my arms around.

The locker slams on the other side and Danny appears. "All right, I'll do it."

"What?" I ask my eyes going wide.

"Come to my place at 9:00. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle." Danny says seriously. 

"Oh. That was so sweet. Are you kidding?" I question kinda concerned.

"Yes, I'm kidding." Danny finally gives.

I scoff offended. "Okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Danny. It's not attractive, all right?" Danny just chuckles and walks out.

"Dude you know you wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't screwed Devin over." Scott brings up.

"Shut up, you don't think I know that. It kills me seeing her like this. She's all angry with me and... And she's never been angry with me this long so I don't know what to do!" I sigh, my frustration showing clearly.

"Dude she probably hates you, and honestly I don't blame her." Scott says making me glare at him.

"You don't really think she hates me do you?" I worry.

"Every time you two are in the same room you argue man. I really think she hates you." Scott honestly tells me.

"She starts it!" I defended only resulting in a 'really' look from Scott.

"No I just need to remind her why she loves me."

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