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Once we got to school I depart from Stiles and headed off to find Lydia and check on her. I found her soon at her car.

"Hey Lyd, how are you feeling?" I ask walking up to her.

"Fine? Why would I not be?" She questions confused.

"Lydia come on." I sigh.

"I'm fine Devin. I'm over it." She waves off as we approach Allison in the hallway. "Freshmen. Tons and tons of fresh men." Lydia gawks staring at the young boys walking around.

"Correction boys, Lydia. They're like what 14?" I question looking at one who was potentially cute, but still had a baby face.

"Meh, some are more mature than others." She shrugs.

"You know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while. Work on becoming a better person." Allison tries, something makes me thing that was more for herself though.

"Allison, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you... it's totally fine. But I don't' want a boyfriend. I want a distraction." Lydia trailed off at the end, following her eyes I watched two hot brothers, well twins, glide down the hallway.

"Brothers?" Allison mutters.

Lydia shakes her head and smirks. "Twins."
I walk into English for 2nd period and take a seat next to Stiles.

"Hey babe." I smile pecking his cheek.

"Guess what Scott wants to do?" He snaps ignoring my affection.

"What would that be?" I ask taking the seat.

"He wants to get Derek to help with the tattoo situation." Stiles scoffs.

I shrug and raise an eyebrow. "That's actually not a bad idea. Why didn't I think of th-" I was cut off by every cell phone in the room going off.

I pulled it out but never got a chance to read it before a lady with long brown hair waltz in. "The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth, flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone." Groaning with the rest of the class I unwillingly powered it down.

Miss Blake was teaching until she was pulled out in the hallway by an administrator. "Mr. McCall." She beacons Scott. Scott exits to the hallway with here leaving us all confused.

"What the hell is that about?" I ask Stiles.

"Beats me." He shrugs

I wave it off and start dazing off. I notice myself glancing down at Lydia's ankle where I see some dried blood. "Hey. Lydia. What is that? Is it from the accident?" I ask catching Stiles attention as well.

"No. Prada bit me." She shrugs.

"Your dog?" Stiles questions making me and Lydia look at him as if he was stupid.

"No, my designer handbag. Yes, my dog." Lydia sassed.

Stiles face screws up. "Has he ever bitten you before?"

"Nuhuh" Lydia says making me and Stiles look wearily at each other.

"Okay. What if it's like the same thing as the deer? Ya know, like,how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?" Stiles rushes out.

I let out a laugh. "'Meaning what babe? There's going to be an earthquake?"

"Or something. I just- maybe it means something's coming. Something bad." Stiles trails off. I could see the wheels in his head spinning.

"It was a deer and a dog." Lydia states.

Something about that made something click. "What's that thing you say about threes - once, twice..." I stop when a black bird flys straight into the window.

My eyes go wide as I turn and stare at Stiles. "What the-" the whole class stands up as a flock of birds begin hitting the window.

"Get down! Everyone! Get down! Get down! Get down!" Miss Blake yells as the glass breaks and birds begin flying in.

My first reaction is grabbing Lydia and tugging her down under the next. Next if thing I know there is a body covering mine as well. Everything thing around us was happening so fast. I felt scratches from claws and beaks on my skin. 

I don't even know how long it was but in a whirlwind everything was over. Stiles and I stand up shakily before I help Lydia up. She rushed over to Allison immediately.

"Are you ok?" Stiles ask placing a hand on my cheek before reaching up and pulling a feather out of my hair.

"I think so. Are you good?" I ask shakily.

"Yea, yea I'm fine." He nods before pulling me into his chest.

"1's and accident, 2's a coincidence..." I mumble into his chest.

"3's a pattern. I'm calling Scott." He says pulling away and tugging out his phone.

"We got a serious problem at school. Miss Blake's class was hit-" his face screws up as I guess Scott cuts him off. "Uh, nope, pretty sure this qualifies for immediate discussion." Stiles sassed.

Seeing the annoyance on Stiles I point over to where his dad is and mouth "I'll be over there." He nods and I walk over to the sheriff.

"Devin hey are you ok?" He ask as I walk up.

"Yea I'm fine, just a little shaken up." I admit.

"Alright well I know the school is releasing you guys for the rest of the day so I suppose I'll he seeing you at home tonight?" The sheriff ask.

I chuckle and nod. "Yes probably."

"Alright you two stay safe today." He says giving me a small fatherly hug before walking away to question people.

"You're never gonna guess where we have to go." Stiles groans coming up behind me.


With a roll of his eyes Stiles says. "The old Hale house." Oh how I love going to death traps.

Destined *Stiles Stilinski* Book 3Where stories live. Discover now