"I know." She breaths in then breaths out.
"Whatever, did you find something?" She says changing the subject.

A hand comes into my view and places a wine glass in front of Scar. I see the man pour the red drink into the glass, making sure not to go over board.

"And your water." He places it down in front of me then stands up straight.
"Are you ready to order?"

We both nod and tell him what we want, then we're left alone again.

"I saw the way he was looking at you." Scar wiggle her brows as she takes a sip of her drink.

I beam a smile at her before taking a sip of mine.

"You really should get back to dating." She says with a concerned look on her face.

"I just got out of a relationship what are you talking about."

"You and Nathan broke up like six months ago and he already has another girl."

"Scar I don't care about him and his new slut alright?" I narrow my eyes hoping she would get what I was saying.

"Fine." She says sternly, taking another sip of alcohol.

My eyes drift off to the paintings that were displayed on the walls.
A roar of laughter erupts from a table that distracts me from the art. I look for the source of noise and land on a table that was filled with men in suits.
My eyes focused on a man who sat in the middle as the others surrounded him. He was gorgeous, he hand long and curly brunette hair, light green eyes, and a smile with two deep dimples. As I continued to gawk at him I hadn't realized that he was staring back at me. I blink rapidly then shift my eyes back to Scarlet who was looking at her phone.

I wait a few seconds thinking he stopped looking but he didn't, he still gazed at me with those sparkling green eyes.

Once again I was distracted by the waiter as he brought in our food.
"For you and you." He places the plates down.
"Anything else?"

"No we're good." I smile at him and he smiles back with a stern nod, then leaves.


Scarlet and I strike up small conversation as we eat, but I was too distracted by the man who was staring at me before.

"Who are you looking at?" She says trying to contain a burp.

"No one."
She knew I was lying, it was obvious. So she looked back at the table I continued on staring at.

"They look familiar." She mumbles then let's out a gasp.

"Are you staring at Mr. Styles?"

"Um well yeah." My eyes dropped to the floor when I see her face turn into a sly smirk.
"How do you know him?"

"My dad does business with his dad." She let's out a small chuckle.
"He's quite the fella isn't he?"


"And he's loaded." She continued.

"Tell me more about him." I was now interested in the guy who I now knew as Mr. Styles.

"Well he's slowly gaining power over his father's business, he's very smart and nice, he's like twenty something and he's single." She emphasizes the last word.

"Stop giving me that look." I kick her leg from underneath the table.

"Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom." She gets up and walks past his table giving the men, who sat there, a little wave.

I let out a small sigh and mess with the straw in my drink. I lift my elbow onto the table and lay my head in my hand.

"Why the sad face?" A deep voice with a foreign accent says which makes me jump.
I look up and see Mr. Styles sitting in front of me with a leer smirk that made a dimple appear.

"Oh, um.." I stumble over my words as I sit up in my chair.
"I'm not sad, just bored." I shrug and he nods, then sits down in Scarlet's seat.

"Well why don't I keep you company for a bit."

"Sure." I say, I bet I have the stupidest smile on my face right now.

"Twenty questions?" He raises a brow and I nod, putting my bottom lip in between my teeth.
"What's your name love?"

"I'm Rose."

"Beautiful name, to go along with a beautiful face." He shows me a beaming smile and my cheeks warm up once again.

"What's yours?"


"I love it."

"Well thank you.." He eyes move around as he thinks of another question.
"What's the occasion?" His eyes strike down and meet mine, then they admire my long red dress.

"Um it's my birthday."

"How old are you turning?"

"Eighteen." When my age slipped out his smile grew.
"Great age." He wiggles his brows a bit.

"Well how old are you?"

I gulped; holy shit, ten year difference.
"That red dress of yours looks stunning..." I feel his foot graze mine.
"..the way it hugs your curves and makes them stand out is just marvelous." He says that as he stares me right in the eye, not blinking once.


"Excuse me." I was cut off my an upset Scar that stood behind him.
"Sir that's my seat." She crosses her arms.

"Oh I'm sorry." Harry turns his head and that's when her expression changed from mad to surprised.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Styles, I didnt mean-"

"It's okay Miss. Durand, don't stress it." He gets up and turns to me. I see him hand me what looks like a card. I look up at him and receive a wink along with another smile before he leaves to return to his table.

"Are you guys all finished?" The blonde man came to our table almost on cue.

"Yes we are." He hands Scarlet the check and she gives him her card.

"What was he doing here?" She sat down and gave me a serious look.


"Mr. Styles?!" She tries to contain her yelp.

"Oh, I don't know he just came over and kind of flirted with me."

"Holy-" Her jaw dropped.
"But why? Aren't you a little too young for him?"

"That's what I'm thinking." I agreed with her and turned over the card he had given to me.

It read his business name, his name, along side with the address and his office number.

"What is that?" Scar asks and takes the card away. Her eyes scan it then they widen.
"Did he just give you his number?"

I tried not to squeal and nodded instead.
She shakes her head and returns the card to me.

The waiter comes back and Scar gives him a tip with a small kiss on the cheek, leaving him flustered.
"Let's go." She says and links our arms again.

We walk through the restaurant. Scar meets Mr. Monroe at the front and they say their goodbyes. We walk outside and meet the valet who looks us up and down then gets up to get the car.

"Thanks for dinner." I tell her as we wait.

"You're welcome." She shines her teeth at me, then the car comes up and we quickly get in.

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