"I'm sorry did you say something to me while I was walking away?" Aaliyah asked trying to hold back the slight attitude within.

"No, I was talking to him." The nurse gestured toward Laurent.

Aaliyah nodded slowly. "Right.. So what was that you said to my fiancé?"

"Fiancé?" The nurse questioned.

Aaliyah took the ring Lau held in his hand and slid it back onto her finger then rested her elbows on the high desk first then rested her head in her hands making the ring very visible. "Fiancé." She repeated with confirmation and a smug smile.

The nurse stared at the ring on Aaliyah's ring for a moment. "Oh.. Well I hope you two have a nice night." She said giving off a noticeably fake smile.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes and walked off with Lau trailing behind her. When they got outside the hospital and into the car Aaliyah took the ring off and handed it back to him. "What are you doing? Why are you taking it off?" He asked.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because you are the love of my life? And I buy that so I know you will be my wife? Don't take it off please."

Aaliyah stared at him. "I'm not a mistake?"

"You never were a mistake to me. Ever."


Shakel laid her head in Larry's lap while they watched a movie in the loft. He ran his fingers through hair gently, paying her more mind than the movie itself. Every time she'd laugh he looked at her and smiled. Her smile was contagious. Just seeing her so happy and content made him happy and content.

Ever since Aaliyah had her baby, he couldn't shake the thought of starting a family with Shakel. It all played out well in his head but in reality, he didn't want to do anything 'the wrong way' at this point in his life. He didn't want to get her pregnant and end up not being with Shakel in the end. He saw his past as one big trial and error, now he wanted everything to be perfect; especially with her.


She turned to look up at him. "Larry?" She mimicked his tone. He couldn't help but smile. "What's up?"

"You want to get married one day, right?" He questioned.

The question flew clear past Shakel's head. "Well, yeah. I don't see why not. Having a family and stuff seems like fun; A lot of work, but fun."

"Okay good." He said after listening to her speak. "You really like this movie?"

"It's one of my favorites. I'm glad you picked it out because I haven't seen it in years."

As the end credits to the movie appeared on the screen, they could hear very faint noises upstairs where they were. Shakel got up and went out of the room with Larry a few seconds behind her.

Shakel walked right over to the room that was to be the baby's nursery. She found Aaliyah in there taking a box of diapers out from one of the cabinets in there. "Anymore progress?"

"Girl, progress?" Aaliyah raised her eyebrows and stepped back. "My baby is finally coming home!" She said with the biggest smile on her face.

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