Chapter 27~Epilogue

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Alrighty Guys!! LAST CHAPTER!! ITS THE EPILOGUE! TEARS! I am actually gunna start crying its so sad and happy at the same time:D Well I hope you guys really enjoyed the story and that I couldn’t have asked for better fans I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS:D Don’t forget I am going to upload my story pretty soon maybe Friday maybe Saturday not sure but super soon:) So watch out for that too! THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH THE STORY:D

Important Notice at the End****

ALSO.. If anyone was to listen to the song sorry for the random sounds of clicking at the back and the shortness apparently he hasn't made the full version and yes:D 

Sorry it wasn't as long as I liked but I thought it was a good ending so:D 


Rosa’s POV

“It’s been an amazing year. I have witnessed these students achieve things that I have never seen before from winning football games to wonderful test scores and this was by far one of the best Grade 12 classes from the 20 years I have been teacher here! Now, without further ado lets congratulate this years Grade 12 class!” 

I watched as all my classmates stood up from and threw their caps in the air, excitement and happiness that couldn’t be traded for anything. I looked over at Jake as his eyes locked on mine and he gave me a small wink. I blushed at the naughty look that passed his face. I saw him make his way over to me, picked me up and twirled me around while giving me a mind blowing kiss on the lips. 

“We made it baby.” I laughed at his endearment and I nodded while setting my feet back on the ground. 

“I can’t believe we are done high school!” I replied. I noticed Christy dancing around in a circle looking like she was having the time of her life.

“Christy!” I saw her look up and give me a smile for running over and jumping on top of me. 

“OOMPH! Whoa you sure are excited for today.” 

“I know! Can you believe we graduated? I am so excited to start my new life. With the world trip around Europe and then going to Cornell University, then of course I will get a job that gives me all the great perks and then I have too see you, an---” 

I watched as Christy described her life to me in one breathe and couldn’t help but feel the tears come in my eyes as I thought about the sudden realization that I was really going to miss Christy when I went to Yale. 



“I am really going to miss you. I love you girl!” I saw small droplets of tears form in her eyes as well and then I felt her arms come around me. 

“I am really going to miss you too Rosa! I love you too! You were the sister I never had, I promise to call and chat everyday!” 

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