Chapter 22

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Hey Guys! So here is another chapter uploaded! I hope you guys are really enjoying the story! I am also starting to think up different types of story ideas for my next one! Any ideas? Nothing scary please! But if you have any feedback let me know! 

BTW- this isn't edited but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways! Please excuse any mistakes! 


Jake's POV 

She was ignoring me. There was no other way to describe it. She wouldn't look at me, talk to me, and even when she would notice me it would be to ask the most irrelevant of questions. I didn't know what I did but I didn't know how to comfort her either. I have tried several times now but it wasn't working, she would either ignore me like always or just mumble about some homework assignment and wander off! I was getting worried and frustrated. Not at her, but at myself! I had a feeling that it was probably the comment I made about her being beautiful. I tried finding her between the classes and explaining myself but she would just run the other way or drag Christy to their next class. 

"Jake?" I heard the angelic voice and felt a calm sense of relief wash over me as I knew that she was talking to me again. 

"Yes?" I asked hesitantly. 

"I wanted to apologize for ignoring you today. I was just going through some things and I didn't know how to face you." 

"Oh... Its okay! Is there anything that you need to talk about?" I was concerned if it was something serious then I didn't want her to face it alone! 

"No. It's fine. So, now I was wondering if you wanted to come over later? We could do our homework together and then order some pizza like old times." 

"Yeah sure!" 


Rosa's POV

I arrived home preparing for a homework night. Ordering the pizza getting all the pencils, etc. set on the table. I was still a little troubled by the fact that I still might have feelings for Jake however, I would hide those until I could really get my feelings set straight. I heard on the knock on the door and opened it to a smiling Jake. 



"Come on in." 

Sitting down we were just silent for awhile and I could tell that the tension was so thick it couldn't even be penetrated. I didn't know if I should tell him about my returning feelings. 



"Oh well you can go first Jake." 

"Okay, it's just I have been holding this in for a very long time and I know I shouldn't be telling you this now or anytime but well... I still Lov---"

"NO WAIT!" I put my hand over his mouth before he could get those last few words out of his mouth. I didn't want him to say them. Not yet. I wasn't ready for those words and I wouldn't how to respond. So I did the only thing possible. I ran. I jumped up from the couch, sprinted out the door and ran all the way down the block until I couldn't hear Jake's voice floating around my head. 


Jake's POV

I watched her run down the grey concrete street and I knew that I had messed up yet again. Although, I didn't know if she was running away because she didn't want to admit her feelings for me or she just simply wanted to get away from me. Either way, I needed to talk to her and get those words out before it kills me. 


1 hour. 1 whole hour. That is how long she has been away. I checked everywhere! From Christy's house, to the mall, the small little coffee shop in the corner street to even the fitness center! Nothing! I didn't know where she was but I was going to have to keep searching for her until I could find her, I wasn't going to give up. 


Rosa's POV

"Okay you can come out now. He's gone!" I heard Christy whisper/yell at me. I was hiding at her house out of pure fear. I knew he wouldn't give up but I had to find a way to tell him to go home. Pulling out my cellphone I dialed his number.


"Hey Jake, it's Rosa. I just wanted to tell you I am fine. I just arrived at Christy's house so you can go home."

"Listen I really think w---"

"Oops, sorry got to go!" I hung up and stared at Christy with heartbroken eyes brimming with tears.

"Sweetie what just happened?" 

"He told me loved me... I ran away." 

"Look, I know he broke your heart and I know its terrible. But... Did you really love Luke? The way you loved Jake?" 

That question stopped me. I never really thought about it before and I think thats what worried me the most. I loved Luke, but it wasn't anything like the way I loved Jake. I loved Luke like a brother, someone that I could talk to when I am sad, someone that was always there for me no matter what. However, Jake... He gave me butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw him, my heart would race to the speed of a cheetach. I suddenly knew... 

I loved Jake. I always had and I knew that it wouldn't ever stop. 

I looked up at Christy and gave her a smile. She smiled knowingly back, gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, 

"Go. Go to him." 

I nodded and started running down the street with all the speed that I had left in me. It started raining but I didn’t care. Nothing would stop me, not hail not snow not anything. I felt the air whoosh past me, houses and trees that were merely just a blur. All that I could think of was Jake waiting for me on the other end. Thats when I saw him, sitting on the front steps of my house his head in his hands. 


I saw him look up and his eyes lit up. He ran out towards me and started apologizing for everything he did. His eyes looking everywhere but my face. Thats when I grasped his warm face into my hands and whispered to him, 

“Shhh... It’s okay..” 

“It is?” 

“Yes... Cause I love you too Jake.” 

I saw his eyes spin towards my face trying to detect any signs of lying but when he knew I was telling the truth he lifted me in the air and twirled me around. I kissed him and all the fireworks I felt could light an entire city. I laid my forehead against his and thats when I knew, I was home. 


Heyy Guys! Sorry for the late upload but here is the story! I really hope you like it!! There will be probably more uploads now and I don't worry the story isn't over yet!!!!!!!!!!

Watch for the next upload:D 


It's Complicated With FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora