Chapter 17

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SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING THIS SOONER! I have just been really busy and sorry for making you guys wait for so long! 

ANYWAYS! ITS TIME TO ANNOUNCE!!! THE NEW ACTOR FOR LUKE..... ALEX EVANS!!!! YAAY!! He is just so grand looking I love alex:) heheh well here is chapter 17 and I hope you like it:) 

P.S: Its a little bit un-edited so please ignore and mistakes:P Enjoy:) 


Chapter 17: 

Rosa POV

Its has been a 2 months since I have started seeing Luke. We have been official for 2 weeks but it just felt like everyday was worth living for with Luke and that I couldn't be happier! He makes me smile when I see his face, his voice feels like the warm caramel on cold ice cream and the way he smiles, it feels like the whole world has been lit up. I couldn't ignore this small tinge in the back of my heart that was still yearning for Jake, and it felt like it was getting stronger and stronger. However, I knew that it just wasn't meant to be. I pushed back the feelings as I saw Luke running up towards me. I smiled at the way his eyes glitter, his black hair swaying across his face and a smile that could light up the whole room. He ran up to me, lifted me into his arms and twirled me around in a giant circle in the middle of the student filled hallway. I giggled into his neck inhaling the smell of oceans and forests that I knew oh so well. 

"Hi." He said giving me a small eskimo kiss, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist and resulting in my legs wrapped around waist. 


"How are you today Sweetie?" Luke questions, setting me down slowly down on the ground, and following me to my locker. 

"I'm good! What are we doing tonight?" 

I saw his face brighten up more at the sound of my questions, small smirk formed at the corner of his lips before replying, 

"It's a surprise!" 

"WHAT! No Fair! I wanna know!" Putting a cute puppy dog face I knew he couldn't resist. I saw his face mask with worry and defeat as he was about to tell me where we were going. Silently laughing to myself I prepared for the surprise, he opened his mouth I could almost feel the words fall out than replied, 


My shoulders slumped in defeat, as I pulled out the books for my next class and walking down the long hallway. Luke grabbed my hand, and I automatically leaned into his shoulder I had a sense of security and comfort with him. Walking into the class I noticed Jake sitting in the back of the classroom with a pawing Kelsey on his arm. I couldn't help but feel the clench in my heart at the sight before me, but then I felt Luke squeeze my hand and I looked up at his face regaining confidence. 

"You okay?"

"Never been better!" 

We sat in the middle row and during the entire class I couldn't help but feel Jake's eyes on me the entire time. When the bell rang I felt a giant sense of relief as I rushed out the door without waiting for Luke and into the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, I held my tears while calming down my thumping heart and panting breathes. 

"You can do this! He is not yours anymore!" I spoke into the mirror. 

Smiling back at myself I walked out and smacked face into chest with Jake. 

"Ermm. Sorry got to go!" 

Trying to escape Jake I almost manoeuvered around him until Jake grabbed my arm. 

"Rosa. Please wait! I'm sorry and I didn't mean to hurt you like that but its killing me that we aren't even talking to each other!" 

"You should have thought of that before you broke the one thing I thought was sacred to you!" I held the tears that were threatening to spill out of my eyes. 

"I know and I am sorry! I know there isn't anything in the world to make up for what I did! But Please! Can't we just be friends again? I miss hanging out with you! I will spend my whole life making it up to Rosa and if you can find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me. Please! I miss you so much!" I looked up into his eyes and I saw a world of pain that couldn't been explained. The way his eyes glittered with unshed tears, a sound of desperation ringing through his voice, and the way his hands where clasped into tight fists almost as if holding in the pain between the two palms. I felt a sudden regret, although I didn't want to admit it I did really miss him. I missed the way he would smile at me with those bright teeth in the morning, the way his laugh filled a room with happiness and mostly I just missed his presence.  

"Okay." I whispered quietly. 


"I will give you one more chance, but please don't every hurt me ever again!" 

"Never again. Never." I felt Jake pull me close into a hug as his chin rested on top of my head and my arms wrapped around his waist. I breathed in his smell, and I couldn't help but feel at home. 

"So do you want to come over to watch some movies today?" I asked hesitantly, not entirely sure how to ask him. 

"Totally see you in class!" I saw him jogging in the distance towards his next class. I smiled, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement with us being friends again. That empty feeling in my heart was being filled. I still couldn't fully trust him, but I knew somewhere in my heart that if I give him some time maybe just maybe I could become friends again with him. 

Clutching my books I walked off to class, a smile on my face and my heart singing with happiness. 

"Hey what was that about?" 

I turned around and came face to face with Luke, a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine thanks, Jake and I were just clearing up a few misunderstandings and we are now totally fine." I smiled thinking about the rekindling friendship that we were building again.

"Okay, as long as you are okay."

He enveloped my hand in his and kissed my temple. I smiled at him and headed towards my class, this was going to be good.


Hey guys! So its a little bit of a filler chapter but I wanted to add it cause I haven't uploaded in awhile! Also I want to thank all of you guys! Without you I wouldn't have gotten so many people reading my story! I really appreciate it:) It means so much to me! Thank YOU:) 

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