Chapter 2

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YOOO!! Hellooo everyone! Okay I have decided to write a second chapter for today! Soo Please read:) Thanks! Alrights I am also deciding that I am gunna upload YOUTUBE VIDEOS:) Some of my favourite songs:-D Maybe vlogs or video uploads:P However, they are mostly going to be music videos.. ALSO the music videos maybe have nothing to do with the actual chapter... just lettin' you know:) 


Chapter 2

I jumped out of the car, and walked into the school eager to start the day, heading towards the front desk to get my schedule. I wasn't exactly sure where I left Jake, and when I turned around, my green eyes locked onto Jake's blue eyes and I could tell that he was already being sucked into the common jocks and cheerleaders, with their constant worship and dedication, blah, blah, blah. Shoulders sagging with defeat that I wouldn't get to share my excitement of the first day of school with Jake anymore, I head to the front desk to get my schedule. 

"Well hello m'dears what can I help you with?" Asked a adorable little old lady. 

"Hi, I am here for my schedule, my name is Rosalinda Cortez Francesca." I replied to the lady at the front desk. 

"Here you go child, have a nice day!" The little old lady handed my schedules and went back to her computer, furiously typing away. I looked at the schedule and memorized it, so I wouldn't have the bother of carrying the piece of paper everywhere with me. 

"Well I got Science for A, English for B, History for C, P.E for D and Photography for E." I whispered quietly to myself, prepared for the classes of ahead of me. 

"I see we got the same classes!" I heard from behind me and I turned around and came face to face with Jake and his posse, with the jocks and their hands in their pockets, and all the cheerleaders glaring at me. 

"Really?! Thats fantastic!" I yell in a surprised voice, I was so excited I jumped up and gave Jake a hug, wrapping my small arms around his giant shoulders. I could hear Jake chuckle and his voice brought shivers to my body, his voice it was like warm honey, all sweet and smooth. I suddenly remembered that I had my arms wrapped around him, and I could feel my cheeks turn into an apple red, and I slowly let go, while laugh nervously. 

"Well I think we should head off to class now!" I say, in a quiet voice, tugging my sweatshirt feeling a little out of place with all the jocks, and started looking around the room; the cheerleaders were no better, they all stood there glaring daggers and holes into my head, probably jealous that I could get close enough to Jake without him pushing me off like all the tramps in the cheerleader group.  

"Dude! Its the first day of school! Why would you want to go to class?" Derek Son, Jake's best guy friend asked in his university frat boy voice. They slowly started to drag Jake away from me and they were bringing him to the opposite of the school where the football field is and where they usually hang during and between classes. I tried to get Jake to come with me, begging, and pulling with all my might, but slowly losing energy and giving up in defeat I realized that Jake would always be with his football buddies first before me no matter what.  I took one last look at Jake and he caught my eye for a second, pleading with his big blue eyes for me to just wait for him, but I shook my head and left. Heading to class, I could feel my heart crack just a little bit more knowing that he would never put me first, and never know how I honestly feel. 


Okay Guys! Thats Chapter 2, let me know what you think! Keep reading and commenting and voting! see ya! 

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