Chapter 3

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Hello Guys! So I have decided to upload a third chapter today! I might do three chapters per day but who knows! Its going to depend on the day, but here is chapter 3! 


Chapter 3

The rest of the morning passed by in a blur, not really paying attention to any of the classes, and trust me that is saying something, considering I enjoy class and school. My mind kept drifting back to Jake and how he looked at me with those pleading eyes, before I turned around and left. I felt bad, I won't lie and it hurt seeing him so upset. He did came back to class during the second period, and sat next to me whiling trying to ask me what was wrong but I just brushed it off and told him it was nothing. We still sat together and chatted in class as always but I couldn't help but feel a little bad that I didn't wait for him like he wanted me to. 

"BRING!" The bell rang for lunch, I grabbed my binders and turned around and waited for Jake, when I looked down I realized he had fallen asleep in class. How original, Jake always ended up falling asleep in class, and I couldn't help but stare at his face for a few minutes. The perfect complexion, the way his brows were drawn together almost like he was trying to figure something out and his lips slightly open, releasing just the smallest sounds of a snore. I stood there for a few minutes undecided if I wanted to wake him up, or just leave him there to his dreams. I shrugged my shoulders and left the classroom heading off to lunch, I let out a slight chuckle and went off to eat. 


"ROSA!" I heard a deep and very familiarly voice call my name. I had just finished with my lunch and was getting ready to head to class,  when I heard his voice and I could already feel the stalking of feet coming towards me. I placed my most innocent face and turned around to meet Jake's big blue eyes. 

"Yes? Is there something I could help you with?" I asked in a small voice, chuckling to myself I looked to see Jake's face twisted in anger. Gosh, even when he is mad he is still HOT! I think I just fell a little more in love with him! 

"I couldn't believe you let me stay ASLEEP in class! You know how humiliating it was when I woke up to Derek and Paul laughing at me? Not to mention the fact that it lead Christy to decide that it was the perfect time to baby me!" He replied in a frustrated voice, I couldn't help but cringe a little at the mention of Christy's name. You see, Christy was Jake's one and only ex, he made a promise that he would never date anyone else from the football team. You see, Christy was one of Jake's biggest fan, and was always supportive of anything and everything he did, she was even nice to me! Sooner, we found out that she was following Jake everywhere and was keeping tabs on him everywhere and anywhere. I decided to help Jake and break it off with her and she has been glaring and making rude remarks at me, and become even more obsessed with Jake! 

"I'm sorry, its just i found it hilarious that you could sleep through a whole class not to mention a loud bell! I won't do it again! I will elbow you the next time I see you asleep!" I said in a happy and confident voice. I could see that Jake had already started smiling again, and I knew that we were okay again. We could never stay mad at each for long, we would always make up in 30 seconds or less and thats just one more thing that I love about him. 

"Come on Jake, we have to go to our next class!" I said in an anxious tone, and practically dragging him along to our class. 

"But, but, but, I HAVEN'T HAD MY LUNCH YET!!" Jake yelled, and started pouting and giving me the puppy dog face, shoot! He knew that I couldn't say no to that face!

"Alright, we will buy you some lunch and then PLEASE! We need to go to our next class!" I pleaded, and Jake put a smile on his face, like a teenager who just got his favourite car and ran to go grab a sandwich. Sometimes, I honestly wonder why he is the coolest guy at school. I paid for the food and we ran to P.E, even though I dreaded the class, I knew it was the one class that Jake thrived in and the one class that he actually enjoyed. 

Suddenly, Jake stopped me in the middle of the corridor, and turned me around to face him, he pulled me closer to him with his arm. All thoughts of making it to class on time drained away from my mind. I could feel my palms start to sweat with him being so close to me, I was nervous and eager at the same time, eager because we were close and finally had some alone time to us, and nervous because we had never been this close before without one of Jake's buddies around to ruin the moment, and I was wondering what Jake suddenly had to say. "So Rosa, do you want to come over for a sleepover? I know its a little last minute but we haven't had one in a long time! Please?" I could hear the hesitation in his voice when he asked, almost as if he was afraid I would say no and the first time Jake has ever been even a little hesitant. I was thrilled, and my eye's lit up and a smile started to form on my face, we used to do the sleepovers frequently during freshman year, and suddenly during junior year they just stopped, with Jake and his football and me with my volunteering and clubs. It didn't ruin our friendship, however I could feel an important piece of the friendship chip away. 

"YES! Of course I will, I am very excited Jake!" I blurted out in the loudest possible voice. I saw Jake's shoulder sag down and his face start to relax before a beautiful a wide smile bloomed on his face, it was a wonderful feeling to see him this happy. Before I knew it, the bell rang, and students started filling out of their classroom's. I realized that we spent a whole period outside talking and hurrying to class, and for the first time in my life I didn't care, I was happy that I got to spend even a moment alone with Jake, just to talk, it was nice. 


Hey Guys! I hoped you liked it! Vote, Comment and Fan! Thank You So Much For reading! 

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