Chapter 23

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Heyy Guys! i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I am really glad that you guys are sticking with this story and I really glad for all this support! I might be starting the next story soon probably after this story is finished I am going to upload the new story so keep your eyes out for the next one!! 

Also sorry for the different font! I was doing it on a word document. Also I chose the song A thousand Years for this chapter instead of the other one because I feel it fits this one better:D 

This chapter isn't edited so please excuse any grammer, spelling mistakes! THANKS:D 


 Rosa’s POV

I was on cloud 9. That was the only way to describe how I was feeling. Being with Jake made me notice how in love I was with him and that there wasn’t any other person that could replace the feelings I was having. 

“Hey what are you thinking about?” I felt Jake whisper into my ear as we were sitting on the couch wrapped around each other. 

“Nothing... Just thinking about how happy I am.” I looked up at him with beaming smile. 

“Me too. I hope we can stay like this forever...” I felt him rub his nose against my cheek inhaling my scent and I couldn’t help but giggle against the ticklish feeling. I buried my face into his neck and I couldn’t help but inhale his scent too. 

“I can’t believe we have school tomorrow. I don’t want to go, I want to stay here with you.” I said muffled against his neck. 

“Hey, I am excited about school. I get to show you off! There is nothing I want more than showing off my beautiful girlfriend.” 

I looked up and saw him looking down at me with awe and excitement. I gave him a reassuring smile and turned back to burying my face into his neck. 


I woke up with a smile on my face thinking about all the past events that happened last night. Telling Jake I loved him, kissing him spending the entire night with him before he had to leave for the night. I changed quickly into a pair of skinny jeans and a purple sweater before grabbing my backpack an orange juice and opened the door to a grinning Jake. I couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness to take me to school. 

We arrived at school and I could see Jake running around the other side of the car just to pull me out and give me a small kiss. I felt all the eyes on me but suddenly forget when Jake deepened the kiss. I missed his sweet kisses and I couldn’t get enough of them. I felt a tap on my shoulder but I pushed them away until I heard, 

“I am not sure you want to do that again Ms. Francesca, unless you want detention then I am perfectly okay with that.” 

I pulled away from Jake only to turn around to the principal. 

“Sorry, Mr. Roma... Won’t happen again.” 

“Good Job Ms. Francesca.” 

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