Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to To all my beautiful and wonderful Supporters YOU ARE AWESOME:)

CRAZY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!:( I am just so busy I could never find time to get around it and also I had a really tough time writing luke's POV:P But here it is! As well, I am really happy for your support and also I am adding LUKES POV into the story:) whoo hoo! So I really hope you guys enjoy this story! It means so much to me that you guys have been supporting me through this I love you guys:) 


Chapter 18: 

Luke's POV

"I love you baby." 

Rosa turned around eyes wide and hopeful, brimming with glossy tears.

"I love you."

She squealed a delighted sound that made me grin, running towards me I picked her up and kissed her. 

"I love you too!" 

We fell down on the plush green grass together, giggling and clasping our fingers together. Staying in this moment it was all I needed. I didn't want anything else, only this moment. 

"Luke? Luke wake up? Hello?" 

I jolted out of my day dream to see a small hand waving in front of my eyes, I looked up to meet Rosa's worried gaze and smiled at how much she cared for me. I just stared at her entranced in her beautiful face.  The way her beautiful green eyes would focus on a question, or the way her hair would be illuminated from the incoming rays of bright yellow sunlight. She tilted her head looking at me confused and worried. 

"Hey are you okay?" 

"Yeah perfect!"

I saw her shoulders relax after I reassured her. 

"Hey are you ready for our date tonight?" 

"Yeah! What is it?" 

"Thats a secret!" 

I saw Rosa give me a cute little pout before sitting on the chair next to me as I packed my stuff. I couldn't wait for the date! I was going to tell her I love her and I just hoped that she was going to say it back. Slinging my bag around my shoulder and my arm around Rosa's shoulder we walked out of the school towards the parking lot. 

"So are you going to tell me what this secret date is?" 

Rosa speculated as she sat in the passenger seat of my car. 

"Nope, its going to be a surprise and you will found out as soon as we get to our destination!"

I said proudly as I drove to her home, I stopped at the front of her house and then walked her to her doorwary gave her a lingering kiss. 

"I will pick you up at 7 sweetheart!" I whispered quietly in her ear. She nodded and I could see a small creep of pink inching up her cheeks. Walking towards the car I drove home, and starting preparing everything needed for our date. 



I parked the car in the front of the house again and I checked the watch it read 7:00pm on the dot. Grinning I walked up to the door and knocked gently. It opened to reveal one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Rosa was wearing a hot pink dress with a brown bow belt wrapped around her waist and her hair was let loose in wavy curls and she has never looked more beautiful. 

"Hi." I spoke breathlessly, touched by her beauty. 

"Hi." She whispered quietly down to the floor, I felt a smile touch my lips at her sudden embaressment. Entertwining my hand with hers I led her towards my car and one step closer to telling her how I truly feel. 

Driving up the winding road, I could see Rosa peering out the door to try to get a glimps of where we were going. 

"Are you sure you aren't going to tell me where we are going?"

"Nope, its a complete secret and besides we are almost there!" 

"YAY!" I laughed at her enthusiasm. Seeing the small trees I pulled the car to a stop, and lifted her out and started walking her to the small little cove. 

I brought her inside and I heard her gasp in surprise. All around us were small lit candles that glowed with a warm orange comfort, a small white table was set up in the middle of the room, with a beautiful rose perched on the plate. There were beautiful trees that surrounded our area, and little flowers that grew out. I felt her turn around to me and I could see tears brimming in her eyes. I suddenly felt anxious, did she not love it? Should I ask to take her home? Does she want a tissue? As if feeling my anxiousness she smiled at me and gave me a soft lingering kiss.

"Its beautiful." 

Leading her to her seat I helped her sit down and sat down across from her. Taking a deep breathe I could feel my hands start to sweat as I prepared myself for the truth. Grasping her hand from across the table I saw her look at me with those beautiful eyes I knew it was the right time. 

"Rosa I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I love you."

I felt her eyes widen in surprise, as she heard me whisper those three words. It was silent for awhile and I could see Rosa understanding what I just told her. I was starting to get nervous and worried again, she wasn't saying it back. What if I made a mistake? What if she doesn't love me back? I started to pull my hand out of hers before I offered to take her home, when instantly, her hand tightened on mine. I looked up and heard her whisper to me softly,

"I love you too."

I crashed my lips to mine giving her all my feelings in that one kiss, never wanting to let go. This was the moment, I finally have Rosa as my own and I was never going to let her go.  


Hey guys! Sorry its a little short but I will probably be uploading another this weekend and if I can't definitely next weeK! PROMISEEE!! So I hope everyone has a good weekend and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME! 

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