Chapter 8

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Helloo Everyone! So as you know we have reached 1,000 VIEWS:) I would love to Thank Everyone for helping me reach those views and always supporting me through this story:) You guys are the GREATEST:) (Cries of happiness!) Well off to chapter 8!


Chapter 8: 

Rosa POV

"UGH! FINALLY HOME!" I yelled with relief, while limping towards the couch with my arms full of shopping bags. I relaxed my wrist and ankle muscles on the couch, while Jake snickered at my pain, and resulted in me glaring daggers into his forehead. We had spent the whole morning and most of the afternoon together picking out clothes and shopping for the party. I ended up buying MUCH more clothes and accessories than I thought I would and feel like I am about to pass out from so much carrying. 

"Okay well its like 5:30pm now and we should be at the party around 8:00pm cause' thats what Derek told me, so you wanna go change and do your girly stuff?"

"Alright, I mean I won't take FOREVER! With my girly stuff, but sure I think this would be a good idea." I replied sitting up from the couch, heading up the hardwood stairs and with my infamous amount of shopping bags. I walked into the guest room, and for the first time I actually got to admire the room, the way it was painted a baby blue with a giant queen size bed placed in the middle of the room and a beige canapé attached. I walked into the bathroom, to take a bath because the lingering sweaty smell was taunting my nose. I saw the biggest whirlpool bathtub and immediately sighed in relief, I turned the water to a warm temperature, and stripped off my clothes ready to sink into the warm water. I climbed into the bathtub and could instantly feel my muscles unwinding, my body drooping into the warm water and my eyes lids drawing together. I felt my brain shutting down as my body relaxed even more and I fell into a deep dreamless slumber of relaxation. 


Jake POV

It was 7:30pm and I haven't heard from Rosa in awhile, I could feel the anxiety in my chest because I haven't heard any footsteps or sounds coming from the guest room. I walked up the steps in a urgent manner to go check up on her. 

"Rosa? Hello?" I walked into the guest room, and found it empty with the unopened, untouched shopping bags that she carried today. I saw the bathroom door closed and realized the current situation of Rosa falling asleep in the bathroom. I chuckled to myself knowing only she could get herself into a problem like this. I went to knock on the bathroom door and found it unlocked, I decided to opened the door, instantly coming face to face with Rosa lightly snoring in the whirlpool bathtub. I came to edge of the bathtub and started gently shaking her shoulders. 

"Rosa? Rosa? Come on sweetie wake up, we got to go to the party!" 

"HUH? I DIDN'T DO IT!! I didn't... I didn't... I.. Oh my god I fell asleep in the bathtub didn't I? Great..." 

"Hahah, its okay, we all do crazy things. However if you want to make it to the party you've got to get changed. So... umm I will leave you to that..." I walked out of the bathroom and guest room briskly, not wanting to make it awkward, to leave Rosa to change her clothes.I went straight to kitchen, turned on the sink and splashed my face with water to shock myself out of my thoughts. All the same, I just couldn't get the image of her in the bathtub out of my head! She looked so beautiful it was like witnessing an angel singing, it was something you only see once in a lifetime.

Before I even had time to regain my senses, I heard the clicktey clack of shoes coming down the floor, as I peered from the kitchen I saw Rosa walking down the stairs wearing one of the most beautiful dresses that I have ever seen, the colour was a rosy pink with hints of gold and silver, she even curled her hair and she looked like the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen! 

"You look beautiful..." I said dreamily, distracted by the alluring beauty she was emitting.

"Why, thank you! I am really glad that I got this all done in less than half an hour. So should we go?"

"Hmm?? Oh yeah! Sure lets go!" We grabbed our shoes and headed to the car, I had to make sure that I kept an eye on her. I won't let any guy touch my girl. The whole trip was silence, and despite that it was a comforting silence, the kind of silence where you just bask in each others warm character. When we neared the house I could already hear the blaring music and just knew that the party had started. 

We arrived at the big white mansion and I wasn't surprised to find the party in full swing. There were people hanging from the giant maple trees outside, loads of people dancing everywhere I looked and loud party music blaring that could be heard from 3 miles away. I looked at Rosa and could see her hands shaking from nervousness and understood where she was coming from because she was nervous about meeting all my friends, while being at such a crazy party. I looked at her with hope and protectiveness, and she returned a gaze full of confidence. 

"You ready to go in?" 

"Yeah, lets do this!" I laughed at Rosa's sudden determination, and I grasped her hand, gave a reassuring squeeze and pulled her towards the house. This is going to be one eventful evening! 


Hey Guys! This is chapter 8 is uploaded:) Yay! I would like to thank all of you guys again for supporting me and helping me through this story:) YOU GUYS ROCK TO THE EXTREME:) WHOO HOOO!!!!

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