Chapter 26~ PROM

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HEY GUYS!! This is the PROM chapter whooo hoo! There is a little “scene” in this chapter if you get what I mean I am not including any of the dirty details but there will be a little of a scene so I will warn you before but there is no dirty details before. I AM SO HAPPY FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE GIVEN ME THROUGHOUT THIS STORY!! IT’S ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL HAVING ALL OF THIS SUPPORT! I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU GUYS:D 

 P.S - not as greatly edited and also sorry if its a little short it says its 5 pages and i guess it wasn't as long:(


Rosa’s POV

Zipping up my dress I felt my hands smooth down the sides of my dress as I turned and examined myself. I couldn’t believe that this was going to be one of the last days of my senior year. I felt small tears start to come in my eyes but I willed myself to stop them because today was the day that I was going to be happy and excited and nothing will stop that. Looking through my various shoes I picked a pair of light blue sparkly high heels and slipped them on. 

I heard a sound coming from my computer and I knew that it was my parents calling in to check up on me before I went to the Prom. Answering the Skype call I looked over and saw my mother with glassy eyes. 

“Mom? Are you okay?” 

“Hmm? Oh I am fine baby it’s just that I am so happy and excited for you today. I feel terrible that I can’t be there for you today.” I smiled at the love that my mother was giving me. 

“Its quite alright mother, just knowing that you would even call me over Skype to check up on me makes me happy.” 

“Thank you baby. Okay, are stand up and let me see the dress!” I heard my mother demand with excitement. I stood up and gave my mother a small twirl. 

“Baby, you look so beautiful!” 

I smiled as I watched my mother admire my dress with such an adoring and happy face through the computer. 

“My little baby girl has grown up!” I laughed at the phrase, and couldn’t help but blow her a small kiss. 

“I’ll always be your little girl mama! Okay well, I think Jake is coming soon so I think I am going to go put the last bit of my make-up on.” 

“Alright, bye sweetie! Your daddy sends his love and told you that he is so proud of you.” 

“Bye mommy. Tell daddy I love him too!” I switched off my computer as I walked in front of my make up table and started applying my makeup. Millions of thoughts run through my head, but only one stands out. Its my graduate year and I am going to do it with Jake. I smiled even brighter with that thought and as if on cue the doorbell rang. 


I ran down the stairs and opened the door to come face to face with Jake and he looked like he stepped out of one of a fashion magazine. Without even noticing I felt Jake swoop down and give me a lingering kiss and I couldn’t help but reach again for him once he broke from my lips. 

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