Chapter 9

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Alrights Chapter 9 in the hiz house:P Well here it is I would also like to continue thanking you guys for all your support i really couldn't have done it without you! Thanks So Much:) I am also going to write my little note here:) I am going to start posting YOUTUBE VIDEOS;) YAY! EXCITEMENT! OKAY, so basically they are just music videos of music maybe vlogs(of other youtubers) and maybe video uploads but I think they are mostly going to be music:) So come click on them if you want...


Chapter 9:

Rosa POV

I felt my legs start to shake as I was about to enter the house, I knew that Jake was always going to be by my side, however that feeling of anxiousness and wanting to impress Jake's friends was a difficult feeling to get rid of. 

"Hey, don't worry we are going to have a great time I promise!" I heard Jake whisper reassuringly, I let out a breath and entered the house. I was greeted by drunk football players, confused nerds and just plain crazy cheerleaders. I turned around to clasp Jake's hand for support, to find that he was gone! I couldn't believe he left me alone to fend for myself! WIthout Jake by my side, I was continuously greeted with men so drunk that their mouths were spilling with alcohol. I kept to myself by the wall, when I noticed someone's arms around me at first thinking it was Jake's until I heard his voice, 

"Hey Babbbyyy, do you wannnnna go do theee dirrtyyy in ze closet?" The eager, drunk man asked me.

"Umm, no thank you." I scurried away as quickly as I could and escaped to the living room, where I witnessed more people grinding and dancing with each other. I had the sudden urge to dance and observed that this was the safest place to be. Therefore, I stepped onto the dance floor and started to groove to the music, various men had come up to dance with me but, I pushed them all away. Straightaway something caught my eye, I saw Christy dragging Jake onto the dance floor while grinding and dancing against him. I expected Jake to shake his head and walk away, however the exact opposite happened. He started moving closer to Christy, pulling her against him and kissing her. I could feel my heart crack when I saw him kiss her, all those days he told me he hated Christy, wanted her to leave him alone, they were all lies. I felt Jake's head lift up instantly lift up as if sensing my pain and catch my eyes. I didn't want him to see how heart broken I really was, so I gave a small encouraging nod and left the room, before he tried to talk to me. 

I didn't know where to go, so I ended up weaving through door ways, up hardwood stairs, and through multiple rooms, when I came across a room with a balcony. I could feel my body become drawn to the fresh air, as I quietly tip-toed onto the balcony, and inhaled all the woodland air around me. I heard myself let out a whimper, as I felt my heart clench again when I remembered Jake kissing Christy. I willed myself not to cry, I couldn't go back to the party and possibly have to face Jake with puffy eyes and a sniffling nose. Inhaling one last breath of the calm atmosphere, I turned around and made my way back to the party. I decided to call for a cab on the way down just in case Jake was too intoxicated to drive and because I didn't have my license with me. I was nervous about seeing Jake's face again, because of how he would react regarding the fact I basically just left him on the dance floor without giving him and explanation on why I was so upset. I was going to grab a soda from the kitchen before facing Jake when two voices stopped from entering, 

"Jake.. DUDE!! Where is little girlllfrieeendd??" I heard someone say, whose voice resembled somewhat like a drunk Derek. 

"Rosa? I don't know where she is! And she is not my girlfriend!" 

"Well duddeeee, sorry but don't you like, like her or somethinngg?"

"No! Of course not she is just a friend and she will always be JUST A FRIEND!" Just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.... The words kept ringing in my head like a smashed gong, and I felt my heart shatter to pieces as he yelled those 3 words. I clasped my hand to my mouth in shock and pain, I tried to turn away however I crashed into someone and I knew with my luck it was Jake. 

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