Chapter 4

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Helloo!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day! I am here to upload! Soo I hope you have fun reading it and Vote, Comment and Fan! :) 


Chapter 4:

I tapped my blue pen impatiently on the desk, glaring at the wall clock, urging the hands to move quicker so I could escape this class. It was the last period of the day and I was waiting for photography class to end, don't get me wrong, I love photography but the teacher this year could put dirt to sleep! Not to mention, my eagerness of packing my bag so I could go over to Jake's house for the sleepover, I was really enthusiastic that Jake and I would finally get a night to ourselves, to just be Jake and Rosa. The thought brought warmth into my heart. 

"BRING!" I heard the bell, jumped out of my seat  and rushed out of the class. I didn't need to wait for Jake because he had to leave for a urgent football meeting, which left me by myself for the end of the day. We discussed and decided to meet each other at his house at 5:30pm. I looked at my watch and it was 3:00pm, I had to take the bus home, and with each stop of the bus it brought me closer to spending a whole night with Jake, which made heart flutter uncontrollably.

"Okay anyone stopping at Rosewood lane?" I heard and grouchy and scratchy voice over the speaker of the bus. Not even the voice could ruin the exhilaration I was feeling and I leaped out of my seat sprinted out of the bus. I jogged up the pavement and opened the door. I went looking for my parents and found them sitting with their hands in their lap and their eyes looking down at the floor almost as if they didn't want to meet my eyes. I could feel my heart drop, they always acted this way when they had some bad news to tell me. I willed myself to breath, while slowly sat down across from them.  I closed my eyes, took a deep soothing breath, and prepared myself for the worst. 

"Mom, Dad, whats going on?" I asked uncertainty in my voice. I clasped my hands together, squeezing them so tight that they were turning red, my green eyes staring directly at them demanding them to look at me. 

"Well sweetie, as you know we have a few International clothing stores and we got a sudden call today that we have to go to London and Ireland because we ran out of stock and materials in all of our clothing stores, and we need to choose fabrics, and pick new styles. Furthermore, we need to leave tonight and we are going away for 4 months, and we are worried about you staying at home by yourself. That being said, we were wondering if you would love to come with us?" My mother asked in a soft and quiet voice, you could hear the question and the doubt hanging in the air almost like it was taunting me. I felt my whole world crashing down on me, the way icebergs fall into water. If I didn't go, where would I go? I couldn't stay at home by myself!  However, if I did go, when will I see Jake again? How would we be able to communicate that far away? What if he finds a new best friend? I would be crushed and heart broken if that ever happened. I couldn't do it, I had to think of way to convince my parents to stay, but how? I didn't have a lot of other friends that would be able to let me stay over at their house because of their controlling parents, except Jake of course. WAIT! What if I stayed at Jake's house? I stayed there multiple times at his house in the past, and his parents are always on business, and they never cared if I stayed over before! My heart started to lift up, and I could my cheeks got hot at the idea of staying with Jake, for 4 months. 

"Umm, mom what if I stayed at Jake's? I mean we are best friends and his parents are always on business, and they never minded before. As well, he is older and stronger than me so he could take care of me!" I asked my voice laced with hope and determination, I could see my parents brows pull together as they eyed each other with the same unsure and worried look. I felt my heart thumping and palms sweating waiting for the verdict, and I pulled my puppy dog face with big, wide innocent eyes and pouted lips. I saw my parents face relax, their bodies sag down in defeat and heads nod together in agreement. I felt a ton being lifted of my shoulders, and my face lit up with a bright smile. 

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I gave my parents the biggest hug ever possible and rushed upstairs to pack my bags for the next 4 MONTHS! I packed all the necessities like my cell phone, clothes, etc. I walked down the stairs and could see that my parents gripping their luggage bags and I felt a tug in my heart and my eyes starting to water, I tried to blink rapidly but I couldn't stop the salty tears from falling down my face. I was really going to miss them, I haven't been without my parents for a while now and I was really going to miss spending time with them. I could see my mom's eyes water and I ran over and gave her a hug, my hands linked tightly around her back, never wanting to let her go. However, it was my choice to go stay at Jake's and I was going to be excited for them, so they wouldn't have to worry about me. 

"Hey don't cry my little one, we will see each other soon, and you will be staying with Jake so the 4 months will fly by! I promise!" My mother said in her quiet soothing voice, while rubbing my back up and down. I felt myself start to calm down again, my breathes slowed down to a normal pace and the last few tears rolling of my face. While, my mothers words sunk in, yes I will see her in a few months, also being with Jake would be really fun! I took a deep breath and let go of my mother and gave my dad the same crushing and tight hug, hearing him chuckle his deep fatherly laugh, making my mother and I chuckle too, bringing the happiness back into the moment. 

We all got into the car, spending the last precious moments together talking about the good old days. Soon, the car stopped in front of the big white mansion and I knew that we arrived at Jake's house. I grabbed my bags and walked up the mile long driveway, admiring the potted plants and fountains. "Wow I can't believe I am going to be living here for the next few months!" I thought delightfully, and my smile beaming. I gave my parents one last look and a wave before I turned around and headed up to Jake's house. I wonder how he will react to me staying with him for 4 months? I hope he is okay with it! I took a deep breath, counted to 10, compelling my hands to stop shaking before I knocked on the door. 


Well this is Chapter 4! I hope you like it! I might upload another later today:) Comment and Vote! :-D

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