Chapter 11

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Hello you guys! I am here with the next chapter!! I am soooo SOOO SOOO sorry for the late upload I have been really busy and I finally got it uploaded today:) Dum Dum Dum Dumm!!! I would love to thank everyone for supporting me! I really appreciate it! Thanks so much! 


Chapter 11

Rosa POV

"Whats your favourite colour?" Jake asked with a perplexed look on his face. 

We were currently sitting at the table as we waited for our dinner. After laying on the grass together looking out into the crystal clear water, Jake surprised me by picking me up, carried me all the way back to the little clearing with the small table and told me that dinner was coming soon so we better get ready. I couldn't stop the pop rockets from exploding all over my stomach in excitement as I watched Jake smiling at me with so much love that it made my heart turn into to butter. 

"Blue why?"

"Well, I was thinking about this last night and I realized that we had never spent a lot of time getting to know each other, and I would love to get to know you better so I can make you happy every single way I can."

I couldn't help but stare at him in shock for a few moments before I realized what he said was true. I never thought in my life the boy I love would ever make me so happy but Jake has flown above and beyond in wanting to make me happy. I stretched across the table, linked my fingers through his and gave him his answer. 

"That is the most romantic thing a boy has ever told me."

"Rosa, I meant every single word." 

"Okay, well ask away!" 

"Whats your favourite food?"

"Grilled cheese and tomato soup."

"Whats your favourite music?"

"Pop and Country."

"What would you want to do right now?"

"Be right here with you." I said without a second of doubt. I slowly saw Jake's mouth start beaming in happiness, as he lifted our linking hands and brushed his lips against my hand. I giggled quietly as I thought about how romantic Jake was being tonight. However, breaking our romantic moment I saw an old man carrying two steaming plates of food towards us and my stomach as if on cue grumbled in agreement. 

"Your meals have arrived. For the lady, a beautiful roasted salmon on a bed of whipped mashed potatoes and sauteed seasonal vegetables on the side. For the gentleman, a rack of lamb with a herb mushroom gravy, house cut french fries and creamy Caesar salad. Please Enjoy." He spoke in a nasally and snobby voice. I couldn't even wait to thank the man before I dug into my dinner like a wild carnivorous animal. I took a bite of my salmon and it felt like fireworks in my mouth, and I couldn't help but moan into my food. I heard a chuckle in front of me and drawing me back to reality was Jake laughing away at my love affair with me food. 

"What? Its delfrious!" I defended with another mouthful of food. 

"Whats delfrious?" 

"Oh! oops sorry I meant to say delicious! Which it really is!" 

"I agree it is really good food, however I don't think I would be so territorial about it." Jake responded while glancing suspiciously at my left hand. I glanced down confused by his expression and noticed that my left hand was grasping tightly on to the bowl as if I was afraid someone was going to steal it. I laughed at myself, and let go of the bowl slowly. I gave Jake a goofy smile and dug right back into my food without giving it a second thought. 

I had just taken the last bite when Jake took my hand and pulled me up from the wooden chair across the clearing to a small grassy mound. I looked around and couldn't help but gape at the beautiful candle lights strewn all over the trees, and the little flowers in between the green grass. 

"Dance with me." I heard him whisper quietly into my ear. 

"Wouldn't want to do anything else in the world." 

He snapped his fingers and instantly he pulled me so close we became one person and started swaying to "Two is better Than One". I couldn't help but feel the tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks. I laid my head on Jake's shoulder as I remembered this moment, just being able to be close to him with no interruptions or disapproving looks. We kept on waltzing slowly on the small grass mound, I felt him lift my chin from his shoulder and press his lips against mine. His lips tasted like honey and soft, that moved in sync with my lips and I couldn't help but throw my arms around his neck as he winded his strong muscular arms around my waist. It felt like time stopped and everything we lived for was this moment and I never wanted it to end. He pulled away from my lips and a felt a sudden emptiness before he leaned against my ear and whispered sweetly in my ear, 

"Lets go home, we can spend the night watching movies together like we used to."


He dragged me through the twisting woods and branches as the limo came back into view, we climbed in and I snuggled tightly into Jake's chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating as we sped away into the enveloping dark night sky. 


Hey guys! I am soooo SOOO SOOO sorry for the late upload I have been really busy and I finally got it uploaded today:P So this is the second part of their date:) Pretty snazzy huh? I would love to thank all of you guys you are my true fans and I really love you guys! Thanks SOO MUCH! 

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