Chaper thirty four

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"I can't believe you actually kissed him!!! TWICE!!" El practically yelled as we walked into the apartment.

"You kissed him?!" Hannah asked, rushing through from the living room. I grinned at her before she squealed and we did a happy dance with each other.

"What's his name?" Niall asked as we all sat down in the living room.

"Ashton, he's in a band."

"A band?" Zayn laughed.

"Yeah but they're cool, he showed me some of their covers. They even write their own songs!" I told them.

"What they called?" Louis asked, taking out his laptop.

"Uhm? Five minutes of? Five seconds of? Winter? Autumn?" I questioned confused, "Five Seconds Of Summer!" I said loudly, remembering. Louis typed it into the laptop and clicked on a video.

Their cover of teenage dirtbag came on.

"Quite good." Niall said and we all nodded along to the familiar song of Wheatus that I had been prone to wearing Harry's t-shirt of.

"Are you gonna call him again?" hannah smirked.

"Yeah, he asked me on another date." I blushed and bit my lip to stop myself smiling so large.

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