Chapter eleven

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"Louis?" I asked.

"Eliza?" He asked equally confused, "what? What's going on here?"

"Uhm? Do you guys know each other?" El asked, interrupting us.

"Um? Yeah? We do? She practically saved my life." Louis said, sounding now of a question than an answer.

"In Murica." I replied and El nodded her head in understanding even though we all knew she didn't know what was happening.

"We'll explain on the way there." Louis laughed and we began to make our way out of the airport.

"So let me get this straight, you guys are sisters?" Louis asked for the fifth time. I groaned and El nodded. "Well isn't this a coincidence?" He laughed.

"Freaky....." I replied as we dragged our cases up flights of stairs to Louis and the other boys shared flat. Louis swung the door open and four boys voices were heard running towards us. Reunion time!

They ran out of what I'm assuming was the living room and into the hall were me, El and Louis where standing.

"Eleanor!!" They shouted and ran forward to hug my sister. She instantly hugged then back and I stood awkwardly beside them. Eventually they pulled away and turned to face me.

"Eliza?" Niall asked, "I'm not trying to be offensive or anything but-"

"I'm El's sister." I said cutting him off. He gave me a confused look.

"She's my little sister that went missing 3 years ago." El explained and everyone just looked even more confused.

"Ugh! We'll explain later!" Exclaimed Louis, "lets just get everyone settled first. I'll show you your room Eliza." He said and I followed him along a different corridor to a row of bedrooms.

"This is your room." Louis smiled, opening the door to reveal a cream room with a huge queen sized bed, two sets of drawers, a wardrobe and a tv placed in the middle of the wall.

"This is lovely thanks." I smiled back at him dumping my case on the bed.

"And you, my lovely lady." Louis said turning to El, "are sharing a room with me." He kissing the tip of her nose and she giggled. I mimed being sick.

"Shut up!" She laughed at me and for effect Louis swung her down and they began to fake make out.

"Ahhhh! My innocent eyes!" I screamed and covered my face with my hands as they took to laughing at me.

"C'mon babe." Louis said grabbing El's hand.

"Yeah El! Go get some!" I shouted at her and her face went bright red and Louis began clutching his stomach with laughter. Louis picked up El's case and walks out the room. I made thrusting motions at her and she punched me before stalking out the room.

This is gonna be a fun two weeks.

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