Chapter twenty

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"MY FEET!! FEET CAN TOUCH THE GROUND!!!!" I sang along with Hannah, Eleanor and Perrie. Perrie had came round in the afternoon and it turns out she's also in a group called... wait... what is it? Mix? Big Mix? Little Mix! That's it!

Anyway, Zayn recommended some of their songs and I ended up downloading their whole album. aha.

"THESE WINGS WERE MADE TO FLY!!!!" I finished. I clicked on the next song.


"Okay, that's enough." said El, pressing the pause button and cutting me off.

"Heyy..." I whined.

"Can it." she replied sternly and I stuck my tongue out at her. "So what are we doing today?" I asked, sitting on Hannah knee to which she made a small grunt and then shoved me off and I landed on the floor with a thud.

"I think we should go to Madame Tussuads!" Louis sang and wrapped his arm around my sisters shoulders, kissing her on the cheek. I really wish they wouldn't PDA in front of me so much. Uncomfortable.

"Good idea!" cheered Perrie and Zayn. I found out their ship name is Zerrie, haha! Its like zebra! Ze bra! Its like a French person saying the bra. Oh god. I need to get out more.

Me and Hannah got up and pulled on some shoes. I grabbed my shamazing new iPhone and we left in a car.

We arrived at Madame Tussuads and I practically ran inside. Somebody paid for me and we began to take a tour round the place. The first stop was Beyonce.

QUEEN B!! ALL THE SINGLE LADIES PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!! *puts hands up because I can't get a boyfriend forever alone*

"Take my picture!" I said throwing my phone at my sister and dragging Hannah up to get a picture with it. We posed beside it and leaped back down and moved on.

We were casually minding our own business when the big mass of teenage girls came running. "IT'S A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! RUN!!!" I screamed and began to run away but El grabbed onto my collar and dragged me back. 'Stand still.' She hissed at me. Security guarded as Louis, Zayn, Perrie and even Eleanor signed autographs and took pictures. Me and Hannah stood there like awkward turtles.

"Uhm? excuse me?" a child of what looked like maybe thirteen or fourteen asked. I looked down to her. "Could I get a picture?" she squeaked.

"With me?" I asked shocked. Why the hell did she want a picture with me? She nodded her head. "Uh? Okay."

She took out her phone and lined it up to take a picture with me. I made a silly face and then she thanked me and ran away with all her friend giggling.


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