Chapter thirty three

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"You actually did that?!" Ashton spluttered. We've been telling each other funny stories all night. Turns out he's from Australia. Well I knew he had an accent but I couldn't put my finger on where it was from.

"Yeah! She went crazy at me though!" I laughed and he laughed harder. "My mother about killed me." I was telling about the time I put my cousins pet snake in El's pillow when I was nine and how she got such a fright as threw it out the window and it landed on my fathers head. Good times.

"Here's your bill." the waitress said and placed the bill on the table. I pulled out my purse to pay my share when Ashton basically threw a fork at me.

"I'm paying!" he told me and pulled a wallet out his pocket.

"It's only fair that I pay my-"

"Zip!" Ashton shushed me.




Zipppityzoobappyshhh" he hushed me and gave the money to the waitress. I sighed and put my purse back in my bag. We thanked the waitress before leaving.

"I'll have to pay you back for that." I told Ashton.

"Hmm? Well you could pay me back by giving me another date?" he smirked and held my hand.

"That seems fair." I replied cheekily. He gave me a smile and his dimples showed. Before I knew what was happening his lips where lightly touching mine. I kissed him back slightly and then pulled away.

Our moment was interrupted by the honking of a horn. We looked over to see my sister, Louis, Zayn and Perrie all sitting in the car.

"Sorry, but I've got to go." I told him.

"I'll text you." he smiled at me and kissed me lightly again before I climbed into the car and we drive off.

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