Chapter one

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I scrambled along the narrow space. I wasn't exactly sure where I was but I needed to get out. I'd been hidden there for almost 3 years and it was time I escaped. I was kidnapped when I was 16 and I've never been outside since.

As I crawled along I felt the floor go shaky and I crawled faster, it was shaking like crazy. Next thing I know the floor gave way and I fell through, taking a panel with me.

Landing on top of the panel with a thud, a pain shot through my body and dust clouded round to me. I coughed heavily and tried to sit up without much luck. I gave a loud groan and looked around me. It appeared to be some sort of music room. Guitars where hung from the walls and a drum kit sat in the corner. I looked behind me and two pianos were sitting back to back and 5 boys. It was like a staring contest. I decided to make the first move and give a big smile. They just kind of stared back.

"It's rude to stare ya know?" said cheekily. It must have worked because the seemed to snap out there trance. "Oh em sorry" they all replied, sounding awkward.

I got up and dusted myself off straightened out my top and fixed the lace in my converse. "Well if that's all I'll be leaving" I said walking to the door. I swung it open and took one look at the figuire standing before it and slammed it against. "No I won't ." I said rushing away from the door and into the middle of the room again. The door swung open and there he stood, my kidnapper that had held me hostage against my will for 3 years. "You can ran but you can't hide." he grinned.

"You see, I wasn't actually planning to hide yet, I was still at mission 1 of running." I replied trying to reason. He stepped into the room and towards me, one the boys who had hair that kind of resembled Mount Everest's height gasped and the guy turned to face them. "Ah! Well if it isn't the one and only One Direction." he said to them, "You should work as bait."

He pulled out a gun and pointed it towards the boy with the the jean jacket on and a small brown quiff. "I think I'll take out Louis first, whaddya reckon El?" he asked me. My breathe hitched and I broke into a cold sweat. "Or you could come back with me and this could all be over." My eyes flickered between the five boys looking at me and him, the boys all looked the same age or slightly older than me, I couldn't let this random boy die. He probably had a family, a girlfriend, a life. "Your taking to long." he said and placed his finger on the trigger. "I'm just going to do it."

"NO!" I yelled, running across and jumping in front of the gun. A loud bang went off and I fell to the floor. Pain throbbed from my hip. "OWWWWWW!" I screamed. I looked down at my hip to see blood pouring out. Oh god that's disgusting. My head went dizzy and then everything went black.

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