Chapter twenty five

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"And how would you describe the man?' Agnes asked me, leaning forward on the desk and clasping her hands together. She was quite close and making me uncomfortable. I could actually smell her breathe. Jesus, would a mint really hurt.

"He was quite tall, 6'1, 6'2 maybe? Short blonde hair, he always wore dark wash jeans and either a orange jumper or a white polo. He also wore dark brown boots and I think he had brown eyes?" I told the officer and she wrote it down on a sheet of paper.

My sister and Hannah sat nervously outside as they weren't really supposed to know this as it was 'classified information'. I'd basically told the woman my whole life story if the past three years, I'm surprised she isn't bored yet.

"Thank you Miss...." she trailed off and looked down at her sheet of paper, "Calder. We'll do all we can to make sure that justice is served." she told me as I stood up and ranked her before leaving the office.

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