Chapter four

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I got a bottle of diet coke and a big packet of skittles before picking a book. I decided on a book called 'Have A Little Faith' since that's kind of what I needed to do right now. I paid for it just in time to see my flight was boarding. I quickly pulled my passport and ticket out and handed it to that lady that checks it. Whatever she's called. I boarded the plane and found my seat. I stuffed the food and stuff into that bit on the back of everyone's seat and clicked on my seat belt.

Thank god there's not a weirdo sitting beside me- spoke to soon. A boy who looked maybe the same age, maybe older sat beside me. His hair was short and he was quite well built, with a cute face. I recognized him as one of the boys from the music room. "Nice to see you again!" He laughed as he plonked down next to me, "how's your hip?"

"Magical." I said sarcastically and he laughed, "na, I'm joking. It's only a little bit sore."

"Oh well. That's good then. Thanks for saving my best mate life."

"Anytime!" I chuckled and he smiled at me.

"Sorry love, I never caught your name?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm Eliza." I said shaking his hand.

"Liam." He replied.

"Hello and welcome to Thomson Airways. We hope you enjoy your flight today and we'll be taking off soon. Please fasten your seat belts, put up your trays and leave all blinds for windows open, thank you." The hair hostesses squeaked out to the passengers. The flight took off and we were swiftly put into the air. The little seat belt sign dinged off and I unbuckled my seat belt.

"So, Eliza, what brings you to London?" Liam asked, turning round to face me.

"Well I'm meant to go to Manchester but I couldn't get a flight so I had to fly to London first, what brings you to London?" I replied.

"Me and the lads are filming for our new music video!"

"Ooh! Lovely! Sound really exciting!" I replied even though I didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about.

"Yeah, it's really exciting!" He replied.

The rest of the flight we mostly talked but also watched a movie and I cracked open the skittles. I'd met the rest of the boys and it turns out they're in a band called One Direction and they very popular. Who'd have thought, huh?

I waved then goodbye as I got off the plane and went in the direction of the taxi pick up and collect. Time to get home.

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