Chapter two

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"Oh my god. What happened to me?"I asked groggily as I sat up in the hospital bed.

"You passed out after you seem the blood from where you'd been shot." The nurse replied. Oh yeah. Forgot I'd been shot. "Miss, if you don't mind me asking? What's your name?"the nurse asked.

"My name?" I stuttered, oh fuck? What's my name? "Oh my name is, my names Eliza."

"Well Eliza, you were very lucky. That shot could've been a lot worse. You are free to go now." She handed me some files, "These are the medical records, you'll need a check up in two weeks time or so."

"Thanks!" I replied hopping off the bed. I collected my freshly washed clothes and quickly got changed before running out the room. As soon as I walked out I banged into someone.

I'm trying to do a mission here will you move?

"Oh hello. Are you okay now?" The boy who I recognized to be Louis.

"Yes, I'm very fine right now. Thanks." I replied cheerily.

"Thank you for saving me! I would've been dead if you hadn't! He exclaimed and then pulled me into a hug.

"Oh well it's no problem really!" I chuckled as he let go of me.

"How can I repay you? Anything you want just ask?" He said.

"Well now that you mention it, could I borrow twenty pound for a McDonalds and a bus fare?"

"Pounds won't get you far here, but you can twenty dollars or even more if you need?" He replied pulling his wallet from his back pocket.

"Dollar? I'm sorry but why country are we in?" I asked, extremely confused.

"We're in America love. Why?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Just got a bit confused there! Ha, ha. Bullet near the brain." I laughed and he handed me a fifty dollar bill. "Fifty? But I only asked-"

"Take it." He interrupted. I sighed. "Thanks." I replied, "see ya later!"

I walked away from him and walked out the hospital. My mind was buzzing, I'm in America? I thought I was still in the UK? Now I'm really confused. I was kidnapped in the in my hometown, in Manchester? What is this fuckery?

I took in my surrounding as I made my way across the street and into the McDonalds. This does not look like England to me.

Once I got my order I sat down at a table and began to eat while thinking. How the hell am I supposed to get back to the UK?

Aha! I've got it. I pulled the ring off my finger and looked at it. I don't even know how I had came to get it but I found it when I was thirteen. It was real diamonds because I've checked. I could sell this and use the money for a plane ticket.

Now that's a plan. All I need now is a pawn brokers.

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