Chapter sixteen

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Once we had something to eat we decided to do a little shopping. Me and Hannah hadn't been on a shopping spree in years and I really think we need one. To be honest I found it really cool that the whole store got shut off just for the boys. It means to pushing or shoving or grabbing. And no hitting people with a shoe.

"Ooh! Hannah, this would look great on you!" I said yanking out a blue dress from a rack. She grinned and grabbed it from my hands and ran to the changing room. She came out a few minutes later and she spinned around so the dress flew put at the bottom. "You need to get that!" I squealed.

"I'm gonna get it!" She laughed and went back to get changed. Whilst hannah was getting changed and the boys where looking at the men's clothes and El and Louis where probably snogging I decided to have a take through some clothes. I decided to pick up a few things. Eh? It's not my card it's coming off. Some pink shirts, purple, what about some blue too? Jeans, jeans, shirt, dress, beanie hat, bracelet, bra, pajamas, some more jeans.

"What cha all got there?!" A voice whispered in my ear and I screamed in fright. I dropped all the stuff and ran away a bit. I turned around to see Hannah historically laughing.

"Not cool dude, not cool." I said with a frowny face. Hannah ignored this and continued to laugh.

"Your face!!" She spluttered.

"Your an idiot you know that?" I said to her and she just laughed harder. "Oh shut up." I moaned and picked up the clothes from the ground, "If your quite done." I said walking away from her and going to the check out to pay for my stuff.

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